Page 64 of Always Been You

“Seen me? I don’t even recognize you. What’s with the new hair, Liam?”

“Yeah Liam. Don’t tell me you paid for that? Did you ask for the ‘I’ve got a massive stick lodged up my ass’ look?” Miles pipes up with a grin.

“Leave me alone, it was the girl’s first day. I probably should’ve bolted when she told me that. Judging from you assholes, it’s as bad as I thought,” Liam snaps back and takes a long pull of his beer.

“It’s not that bad if you were going for a 90s cheesy soap opera star.”


“I wouldn’t worry about it. You have no one to impress but your computer screen and your four-legged friend Murphy. You know, Liam, I think he might be the only one for you,” I add with a laugh.

“Thanks boys. You two are great for my ego.”

“Anytime. Hey, have you talked to Hunter since you clocked him?” Miles questions me, sliding into his best boxer stance, his hands balled into fists.

“Nope, and I’d be happy if I never saw him again. That guy is a total douchebag.”

“That’s not news. Hunter has always been a bit of a dick. But do you really think your friendship is dead? Our families are close. There’s no question you will have to see him from time to time.”

“I’m nowhere near getting over what he did. Now can we change the subject? I invited you guys here for a good time and talking about that fuck nut is killing my mood.” I knock back the rest of my beer and look over to where the girls are.

The girls are huddled together on the patio loungers and I wander over to see if I can get anyone a drink. I hear Jules say in total disgust. “I want zero part of this. I’m out with this conversation.”

“What’s going on over here ladies? Why does my sister look completely horrified?”

“Parker, sit. We need to run this past you.” Livy taps the cushion beside her, and I lower myself down, stretching my arm around her shoulder.

My eyes take in her big brown eyes and long dark lashes. She’s wearing a pale pink fitted tank top and a pair of her jean shorts that drive me crazy. Her hair is pulled over to one side, floating down her shoulder in golden waves. Her new diamond star pendant glimmers around her neck. I notice she likes to run her fingers over it when she is nervous or deep in thought, along with biting her bottom lip. She’s fucking cute.

I lean in because I assume that’s what I’m supposed to be doing since the four of them are crouched together whisper-talking.

“Olivia and I think that Liam and Ellie would make a cute couple. What do you think?” Kate asks, her eyebrow arched.

“Seriously? Even with that haircut?” I gesture to Liam, who is on his phone with a serious look on his face. Always working. When will he figure out there’s more to life?

“Yeah, what the hell happened there? He didn’t actually pay for that hack job, did he?” Jules laughs.

“Don’t worry. We’ve been giving him the gears about it all night.”

“Enough about of his hair. He’s nice, smart and hot. Smoking hot, actually, and look at those muscles,” Kate continues. “I can totally see the two of them together. How cool would it be if it worked out? Olivia and Ellie could be sisters-in-laws! It’s perfect, like something you’d read in a romance novel. We have to set this up.”

“Have you guys thought this through? Ellie would be bored to death. Liam’s idea of fun is talking about… court things.” I shrug my shoulders and pull Livy in a little closer to me.

“Court things? Are you drunk? What the hell are court things?” Jules asks.

“I don’t know! That’s the point. It’s too boring for me to even think about what he does all day in his office.” I laugh because it’s true.

Livy grabs my face and pulls me in for a kiss and says, “It’s a good thing you’re pretty, Parker.”

We all decide another round of Livy’s drinks are needed. I also need to start up the barbecue. If we don’t eat soon, this party is going sideways fast with the amount of alcohol we are all knocking back.

Everyone is having a great time. The girls have turned up the music, creating a makeshift dance floor on the sand below the deck. They are barefoot and singing at the top of their lungs, spinning and twirling each other around and around.

I watch the girls dance to a few songs together before I make my way to the sand and wrap my arms around Livy’s waist from behind. I pull her back into my chest and sway to the music before pushing her out and around for a spin. I pull her into my chest, one arm on her lower back and the other behind her neck. Her citrus shampoo and vanilla scent are intoxicating as we sway, swept up in the cool ocean breeze.

“You’re a good dancer, my Livy girl.” I tell her, my mouth in her hair above her ear.

Livy pulls back, lifting her eyes to me. I put my hand on her cheek and lower to kiss her. She tastes like pineapple and salt. “I love tonight, Parker. I’m so happy we did this. I think everyone is having a good time too.”