Page 41 of Always Been You

I try to shake the image out of my head, throwing my hands over my eyes and moving my head side to side.

“Come with me, Liv. Let’s get you changed for dinner. Parker is going to be here soon.”

I follow her to my bedroom and watch her rifle through my closet. I don’t really need her help choosing the right outfit but having Ellie here is a good distraction. We decide on a white silk blouse tucked into my nicest pair of skinny jeans. A touch of dry shampoo through my hair and some lip gloss and I’m ready.

“You look beautiful. My job here is done.” Ellie wraps her arms around me in a hug and I walk her to the door. I’m grateful she insisted on coming home with me. I fought her on it at first but having her here is exactly what I needed.

I throw a few things into my purse and check the time on my phone. There’s a notification from Parker. He texted to let me know he left the beach house and is on his way to pick me up. I’m anxious, so instead of pacing a hole in the floor in my apartment, I decide to wait for him outside. I toss my purse over my shoulder, juggle the plate of cookies and the fresh flowers I put together for Parker’s mom, and head out the door.

A light breeze touches my skin, easing the butterflies deep in my belly. I take a few deep breaths, attempting to further calm my nerves.

It’s been a long time since I’ve “met” the parents. Technically I know I’ve already met Parker’s family, but a lot of time has passed. It also doesn’t help that they know my past. They lived through it in a lot of ways with me. I’m praying it’s not a topic of conversation tonight considering I haven’t even discussed it with Parker.

Parker’s Audi pulls up in front of my building. He parks and rounds the front of the car to greet me. He has changed out of the suit he left the house in this morning and is now wearing a pair of jeans and a dark button up shirt. His hair is styled, and his jaw is covered in stubble. Exactly the way I like it. He may not be a male model, but I swear he could be. My girl parts agree with me.

He walks confidently and with purpose towards me. He always does. And when he looks at me, there’s an intensity - he’s got a hold on me and I can’t look away. It’s happening now, I feel his gaze sear right through me.

God, he’s gorgeous.

His smile widens as he approaches. “Hey babe,” he places his hand on my cheek and kisses me. “You look beautiful.” He wraps his arm around my waist and folds me into his firm chest.

“Thank you. You look pretty good yourself.” And by pretty good, I mean super-hot.

“Did you wear these jeans to torture me? You kill me in these. How am I supposed to keep my hands off of you tonight?”

“You will just have to manage. Do you think you can behave?” I tease him with a heated stare.

“Livy, you are too tempting and way too damn sexy for your own good. I can’t make you any promises I’m not prepared to keep.”

“You are so bad.”

“Who, me? Nah.” He winks then covers my mouth with his.

“Let me take these for you. Did you bake these? They smell amazing.” Parker reaches for the plate of cookies.

“I did. I hope your family likes peanut butter.”

“They will love them. When did you have time?”

“I quickly baked them after work. Ellie helped me. I didn’t want to show up empty-handed.” He takes the cookies and flowers from my hands.

“You are amazing, Livy. You’re hot and you bake.”

He flirts and I feel a giddy smile threatening to break free. There he goes again sweeping me off my feet. With anyone else it would feel like a line but with Parker it’s genuine. He puts the flowers and cookies into the trunk and then returns to open my door. Before I get in, he grabs me by the waist pulling me in for a kiss, our bodies pressed tight together.

“I’ve waited all day to do this,” Parker states in almost a growl.

“Was it worth it?”

“More than worth it, but I’ll need to kiss you again to be sure.” That definitely works for me.

We eventually settle into our seats. Parker pulls away from the curb and quickly reaches his arm across the seat and settles his hand at the nape of my neck. He has one hand on the steering wheel while the fingers of his other hand rub gentle circles on my skin, making it hot under his touch. His scent permeates the air around me. He smells so good.

“Nervous babe?”

“A little, but this is helping.” I close my eyes and rock my head back and forth against his fingers letting him know I appreciate his touch.

“Good. I’m really happy you said yes, by the way.”