Page 42 of Always Been You

I’m not sure how to answer that so I stretch my arm across the console to his thigh and give it a squeeze.

“Thank you again for the chocolates. That was really thoughtful of you. I’ve never had anyone send me something before. I have to admit I really liked it.”

“What kind of assholes have you been dating, Livy?”

“I guess I haven’t been very good at choosing men. Other than you, of course.” Parker is right. The men I’ve dated since him, and there’ve only been a few, have been more concerned with themselves than with me. I never felt like I was a priority with my last two boyfriends and they certainly never bothered to send me gifts. It’s a nice change to have someone always thinking about me.

“Thankfully you won’t have to look anymore. You’ve got me now.” I feel my smile widen at the thought. And while I’m scared to death that this could end between us at any moment, my heart squeezes at the thought that Parker could really be the one.

Ten minutes later, he pulls into his parents’ long driveway and parks behind three other cars.

“Looks like everyone is here.” It’s a reminder that it isn’t just the two of us having dinner tonight and I take a deep breath. He opens his door and walks around the front of the car to open mine, helping me to my feet. He must sense that my nerves are getting the best of me because he gently kisses my cheek and rubs his thumb over my jaw.

“You don’t need to worry about a thing. My family already knows and loves you. I promise.” I nod and reach for his hand. He lowers his lips to mine once more before drawing back with warmth in his eyes.

“Give me a sec, I’ll grab the stuff from the trunk.”

He walks to the back of the car and grabs the cookies and bouquet of flowers. I take the plate from his grasp and he carries the flowers. I feel his hand settle on the curve of my back as he ushers me to the front door. I’m pretty sure he has purposely placed it there to put me at ease.

We walk into the sounds of chatter and laughter coming from the back of the house where the kitchen is. We are greeted by Mr. Bennett as he rounds the corner by the staircase. His face lights up when he sees us, and the knots that have twisted in my stomach begin to unravel. He walks directly towards me and pulls me in for a warm embrace.

“It’s so nice to see you, Olivia.”

“It’s nice to see you too, Mr. Bennett.”

“I’ve known you way too long for you to be calling me Mr. Bennett. Please call me Michael.”

“I’ll try my best.” I smile as he directs us to the kitchen. Mrs. Bennett is busy at the stove and Miles and Liam are deep in discussion at the end of the long rectangular island in the center of the kitchen. Jules is the first to spot us.

“Yay, you both made it.” She jumps off her stool, where she is sitting next to a man I assume is her boyfriend and beelines it over to us. She gives Parker a quick hug. “Hey Parks.” She then turns her attention to me.

“I’m so happy you could make it, Olivia. It’s so nice to see you again.” She glances down towards the plate of cookies I’m holding. “Did you make these? They look amazing.”

“I did. I made them after work today. It’s really nice to see you too, Jules.”

She takes the plate of cookies from me and carries it to the counter. I’ve always loved her energy. She’s been upbeat and energetic since I met her when she was about fourteen. Even then she had a way of making you want to get to know her better, just to be in her presence. She has dark hair, like her brothers, that rests just below her shoulders, but her eyes are lighter. She’s a good mix of both her parents.

“Oh, my goodness, these look so good, Olivia! You didn’t have to do this but I’m glad you did because peanut butter is my favorite. Come here, honey, give me a hug.”

Parker’s mom draws me in for a hug and then does the same to Parker. She takes her son in with an affectionate smile. “Keep on doing whatever it is you are doing, Olivia, because my baby looks happier than he has in ages.” Parker chuckles and hands the flowers to his mom.

“Mom, these are from Olivia.” He hands his mother the bouquet and she dips her nose into the fresh flowers, enjoying the scent. Parker eyes me with a smile spreading across his face.

Mrs. Bennett wraps her arms around me and pulls me into another embrace. She thanks me for the flowers, and I offer to put them in a vase for her. It makes me wonder why I was ever nervous to come here tonight. That familiar welcoming feeling, the one I had come to know when we were kids, is already encompassing me. I take in Parker’s parents’ house: The happy family memories adorning the walls, fresh baked goods in cloches on the kitchen counter and this family that was built on love. My mind wanders, and I think about my family. There weren’t many memories made in the home my mother lives in now. The ones we did make there are mostly painful ones that I have tried hard to bury.

“Bring those cookies over here. I need one now.” Miles’ huge six-foot-something frame stretches over the counter reaching for the plate, pulling it towards him.

“God, Miles you are such a child. No one would ever think that I’m the youngest in this family because you act like a five-year old. I should get you a glass of milk to go with your cookie.”

“That would be nice, Jules. Thanks for making yourself useful.”

Miles takes a bite out of the cookie and smirks, a slightly devious smile.

I love their family dynamic, the way they are so easy around each other. Yes, they’re family but it’s something more. They joke and tease each other, but there is an unconditional love between them, and the banter is definitely entertaining.

“These flipping cookies are unreal, Olivia. Holy Shit!”

“Language, Miles.”