Page 66 of Always Been You

“I knew it!” Kate bellows. “Liam is in there isn’t he? You guys just did it in the washroom.”

Ellie is now the color of a tomato. Stammering, she says, “I plead the fifth.”

“Of course you do. You just fucked a lawyer.”

“Okay girls, the jig is up. Why don’t you two get back to the party,” I say through a laugh, motioning in the direction of the patio.

I’m interrupted by a sound from behind the washroom door, something hitting the ground and that’s all the confirmation the girls need to know that Liam and Ellie were in there together. The girls grab Ellie and pull her down the hall for what I imagine will be a gruelling interrogation.

I definitely don’t want to be standing here when Liam makes his exit. The master bathroom seems like the better alternative. I rap my knuckles on the door twice to let Liam know the coast is clear while making my way down the hall to the ensuite.

The party eventually winds down, with Liam and Ellie the last ones to leave. Liam offers to share his Uber with Ellie and we watch as Liam holds the door open for her. He sets his hand on the curve of her back, guiding her into the backseat.

“That was definitely unexpected.” I follow Livy inside, shutting and locking the door behind me.

“Who would have ever expected Liam and Ellie to hook up? They are complete opposites, but I love it.”

Livy walks to the kitchen and opens the cupboard under the sink, bending lower to remove a trash bag. She begins to move around the beach house tossing empty bottles into the bag.

“So, it went down in the bathroom?”

“I’ll never tell. I’m the keeper of all her secrets. What kind of best friend would I be if I snitched? Snitches get stitches, Parker.” She moves outside to the patio with the large bag, continuing to clean up the empties. I follow her onto the porch, checking the candles to make sure they’ve been snuffed.

“I had no idea my girlfriend is so badass.”

“Oh, you have no idea.”

“I’d like to find out then.” She’s got my attention, whether she intended to or not. The thought of Livy playing the bad girl puts me right over the edge.

“Parker, you have that look in your eyes. I know exactly what’s going through your mind right now.”

Livy stops what she’s doing, and she drops the trash bag to the floor.

“If you want me, Parker, come get me.”

Dammit, this girl is my weakness. I’m standing in front of her before she can blink. Her eyes narrow as she reaches for my neck, grasping the base of my neck. She pulls me down for a kiss. It’s heated and full of need. I’ve waited all night to get my hands on her and I’m not wasting another second.

I break the kiss because I have other plans, scooping her up and throwing her over my shoulder fireman style. “Parker,” she giggles and playfully slaps my ass.

I carry her inside, stopping to lock the patio door with my free hand, knowing I have no intention of leaving the bedroom until morning. And even then, I might just decide to stay there until dinner.

I carry her through the living area and down the hall to the bedroom, ignoring the mess from the party.

That can wait until tomorrow. Right now, I need to feel Livy’s body underneath me and watch her lose control.



I hang in downward dog and see Kate’s face staring back at me from between my legs. She sticks her tongue out at me and we both start laughing. We get shushed by our instructor followed by a dirty look from the yogi beside us, but we could care less. We can’t help but act like silly kids when we are together. We should probably reconsider yoga and try Zumba for our fitness regime. Ellie is doing her best to hold it together but failing miserably. She flops out of her downward dog and onto the mat. It isn’t graceful. It also isn’t quiet. I try to keep myself together. It’s probably for the best that Jules had a prior commitment tonight, having to ask for a rain check on our girls’ night. We all seem to be in a mood tonight, acting a whole lot extra than usual.

We bow our heads in namaste to end the class and head to the changing room, receiving glares from an older woman who I’m guessing is pissed that we ruined her class.

“That was all your fault in there, Kate. I doubt we will be welcomed back.”

“Whatever Olivia, you need to loosen up. You’ve been a total grump since Parker left two weeks ago.”

“Kate is right, you know. I have the pleasure of working all day, every day with you and you have been acting like a rotten three-year-old who’s been told no. I can’t take much more. You need to get your ass to Cape May and get laid.”