Page 37 of Always Been You


I wake up to Livy’s fingertips drawing circles on my chest. She’s propped up on her forearm, her gaze following the pattern she’s drawing around and around. Her thigh is hooked over mine.

“Good morning, beautiful.”

“Hi you.” She continues running her fingers over my skin and I like the way it feels. A lot.

I wish we didn’t have to work today. I can think of a million things I’d rather be doing. All involving Livy.

Yesterday was amazing and I want more of that. It crosses my mind to ask her to take the day off with me, but I have a better idea. A weekend away. Just the two of us. I decide to keep it to myself for now, until I can make plans.

“Did we sleep in?”

“Nope, we are good babe. It’s seven thirty.” I run my hand over her smooth skin watching it pebble under my touch. “I’m sorry I fell asleep on you last night. You were so cozy and warm and the hot tub made me feel so relaxed,” She says, kissing the center of my chest. I roll her over to her side so we can face each other.

“I just want to stay here a little longer with you. I like having you in my arms. I could stay like this forever Livy.”

I realize I can’t keep her in this bed with me forever, but I’m going to drag it out as long as I can. This all feels so right. Like this is where we belong. It feels like we are starting again where we left off. She feels like home.

I link my fingers through hers and kiss each one of her knuckles. I love how small and soft her hands are compared to mine. I can wrap my hand around hers completely. I turn her hand over to kiss the four small freckles on her wrist that I’ve always loved. I first noticed them when we sat together in class back in high school.

“I still can’t believe I fell asleep on you. I haven’t slept that well in years.”

“I’m happy you got a good sleep. I moved you around a few times in the middle of the night to get closer to you and you slept right through it all. You even slept through my attempt at seducing you.”

Livy giggles. “Oh God Parker, I’m so embarrassed.”

“Don’t be. It was cute. I love how soundly you slept curled up beside me.”

Sleeping in bed with someone is not something I’m used to. I don’t typically let it get that far. It always feels too intimate and then the waking up part in the morning next to someone you really aren’t interested in, just seems like it would be awkward. With Livy it’s different. I like the intimacy, and the feelings that come with it.

My vibrating phone on the nightstand attempts to interrupts us, but I ignore it. I’m enjoying lying in bed with Livy way too much. I obviously have zero self-restraint when it comes to her and instead of getting out of bed like I know I should, I bring her in closer.

“Do you need to get that?”


“Are you sure? What if it’s important? It could be work.”

“What could be more important than this right now? I’m not moving. I’m way too comfortable.” I smooth a few loose strands of hair over her ear and lean in to kiss her cheekbone.

She’s silent all of a sudden and I’m not sure why.

“What just happened Livy? Something is on your mind.”

“It’s nothing.”

“It doesn’t feel like nothing. Let me in, Liv. What’s going on in that pretty head of yours?” Livy has always internalized her thoughts and that scares me. I need her to open up to me if this is ever going to work between us. I need to know what she needs and wants from me.

“It’s just…. Well. What exactly are we, Parker? Are we exclusive?” She’s chewing on her bottom lip and I can tell that she is nervous.

“Well, there’s no way I’m sharing you with anyone else, so we better be. That’s what you want, right?”

“Of course, it is. This all just happened so fast. I mean, five days ago you were only a memory to me. It’s a lot to take in, but I’m happy with you. And for the record, I don’t share either.”

I laugh and kiss her, trying to reassure her that she’s the only one I want. It’s hard to believe that she has chosen me again. That I got that lucky. There’s a small part of me that still worries that she could change her mind like she did the first time. I push those worries away, not wanting to burst this bubble we are in right now.

I press a kiss to her shoulder and reach for my phone to snap a pic and capture the moment. I slide my lock screen to access the camera and hold it up over top of us.