Page 38 of Always Been You

“What are you doing? Are you seriously taking a photo of us right now? You can’t take a picture of me looking like this. I’m sure my hair looks like there is something nesting in it.”

“Do you honestly not know how beautiful you are to wake up to?”

I snap a photo as she buries her head into my neck and then snap another of me kissing the top of her head. The picture shows her profile and her smile pressed into my neck. Her cheeks pink and her slender fingers across my bare chest. She looks beautiful and happy and, in that moment, I know that I’m the reason for her happiness. These will come in handy when I can’t be with her.

“I have an idea, Livy.”

“That sounds dangerous. What is it?”

“I would like to take you on a date. Like, a proper date. Our first date now that we are official.”

“We’ve already had our first date. Do you not remember taking me to that burger shack and then a movie?” Of course I did. I still remember how nervous I was, thinking that I couldn’t believe a girl like her had agreed to go on a date with me.

“I do. But that was before. We need another first date. I want to take you out like you deserve. I want all of Reed Point to know you are mine.”

“You are ridiculous.”

“Is that a yes then?”

“It’s a yes, I would love to go on a second first date with you.” She runs the pads of her fingers up my arm to my shoulder. My body reacts in a shudder and a smile covers my mouth. I’m going to have to get us both out of bed before I do what I really want to do to her and make her come. Over and over again.

My phone vibrates again, and I reluctantly pick it up from where it lays beside me on the bed sheet. There’s a text from my mother inviting me for dinner tonight with the rest of the family. It sounds nice, but I really want to take Livy out.

“Everything okay?” Livy asks.

“Yeah, it’s just my mom. It’s an invite for dinner tonight at the house. She’s having my brothers and sister over.”

“I bet she’s pretty happy to have you around for longer than a weekend. You should go.”

“I’d rather be with you. Besides, it’s date night and I have plans for us.”

“You can’t already have plans for us, Parker. You just decided less than five minutes ago to take me on a date. We can do it Thursday night. I’m not going anywhere.”

“Or… you could come with me tonight to my parents’ place and we could still do our date night on Thursday?”

A look of hesitance crosses her face and she’s pulled her bottom lip under her teeth. It’s her automatic response when she’s nervous, I bet she has no idea she’s even doing it. It’s cute and it drives me crazy. I bring her hand up to my face and place her palm on my cheek. I brush the back of her hand with my knuckles.

“What have you told your family? Do they know about us?”

“My dad does. So do Miles, Liam and Jules. I mean, they know I decided to stay here because of you, but that’s about it. I haven’t talked to my mom yet, but I plan on doing that the next time I speak to her.”

“What did they say? Were they supportive of your decision to stay here because of me?”

“They are. Honestly, they are surprised it took us this long to find our way back to each other.” I take her hand from my face and kiss the tips of her fingers. One at a time. She still looks uncertain.

“How does your dad feel about you working from here? Is he concerned that you’re not in New York?”

“Not at all. I want you to stop worrying. He offered me the beach house for as long as I need. Livy, I don’t want you to worry about my family. I promise they would love to see you tonight. But we don’t need to go. I’m fine telling my mom I have plans.”

“I’ll go. But will you promise to run it by your mother first and make sure it’s okay?”

“Yes baby, I promise.” I can’t help but smile at her, she makes me so damn happy.

I flip her onto her back, my arms braced on either side of her face. Her hair is spread out all around her. She’s looks like a fucking goddess. I center myself between her legs.

“We have to get ready for work. We don’t have time,” Livy says, but she reaches for me, running the tips of her fingers down the back of my neck.

“I can be quick. I will probably embarrass myself with just how quick. I want you so bad, Liv.”