Page 4 of Thalia De Luca

Sometimes I find myself wanting to be that deranged in the way he is.

My father and his father are business partners but not in the way you think. Everyone at this school thinks my dad is just some rich CEO who owns billion dollar companies but it's actually the complete opposite. Now don't get me wrong, he does own companies but not the kind you think.

Alexander's father is second in command for my father so that means that we have to spend a lot of time together. It doesn't help that my mom and his mom are best friends.

My father and mother even bought a fucking farm for him and me when we were five years old. That's where my hate for him grew.

He would always chase me around with chickens, which are my least favorite animals in the world. Every time we went to that farm, he would chase me around with them and I would always end up crying.

After that, he would show me that he hates me in other ways such as teasing me for my choice of clothing when I was a toddler and didn't have the best style, or how girls aren't as good as guys, or even drawing on my face or cutting some of my hair whenever I was asleep.

But before he started being a jackass towards me, he was actually sweet.

One of my earliest memories of Alexander and I was when he gave me a pretty flower and said that he loved me with a beautiful smile on his face. I remember how red my cheeks were that day.

But after that it's always been him teasing me, bullying me in any way he can, corrupting me even.

"Are you even listening to what I am saying?" Becca asks me with her eyebrow raised, acting like a bitch as usual.

"No Becca, please tell me what you were saying so I can pretend that I actually give a fuck," I say giving her a fake smile.

I have no clue why I am hanging out with these bimbos but sometimes they entertain me. Today, they are just being annoying which makes me want to punch them in the face.

Becca laughs and shakes her head. "You and your attitude, Thalia," she looks at me. "I was asking you about Cameron. I saw him talk to you today."

I try not to blush as I think about Cameron.

He is this guy in my history class. Today we had to work together on this study guide the teacher gave us and he gave me his number so that we could talk later about the study guide.

Cameron is cute and sweet. He always gives me such a nice and warm smile and I swear he looks like one of the gods from above.

He just moved here a couple of months ago and since then I have had my eyes on him.

I told Jane about him, my best friend who also happens to be my cousin, and she said that I should go for it, even though she doesn't even understand high school guys.

"Nothing. Cameron just gave me his-"

I feel cold liquid being poured on my head as I talk, and I can't help but scream and clench my hands into fists. I look down at my shirt and see that it is soaked with milk.

Fucking jackass.

I turn around and look up at him.

He just has this small smirk on his face as he looks down at me with mischief in his eyes.

I stand up and face him, trying to make myself look taller in front of him but it's no use.

He is the tallest guy in his grade, and I still haven't grown much from my 5'6 height.

"Fucking Xander!" I yell and put my finger on his chest. "What the hell is wrong with you? You're fucking sick!"

"I thought you knew how sick I was, Thalia," he smiles down at me, but I can't help but feel rage spread throughout my body.

"There is seriously something wrong with you."

I push him out of the way and walk past him leaving through the doors of the cafeteria.

I'm so going to get him back.