Fuck him.
Fuck his stupid smirk.
Fuck his stupid tall body.
Fuck his beautiful fucking face.
And fuck Alexander Russo.
When I am in the parking lot of the school I go to my car and unlock the door.
Technically I am not supposed to be driving but who gives a shit? My dad controls the police in the whole country, so I get to do whatever I want, plus my house is right down the street.
I see a sweater in the back, so I grab it and smell it to see if it's clean; it is.
I put it down and then lift the baseball t-shirt I'm wearing over my head and then throw it in the car.
I turn around and face my car door.
As I am about to take off my undershirt, I feel a pair of hands grab my breasts making my blood freeze and turn around.
I see an old guy with a long gray beard and wrinkles on his face.
He has to be sixty or something.
And on drugs.
I slap his face and push him away from me.
"Get the fuck off of me you weirdo," I say and I’m about to turn around, but he turns me around and pushes me against the car. "Let me fucking go," I say as I try to push him away from me.
He still holds a tight grip on one of my arms. With my other arm, I reach into my back pocket and get my hand knife. I flip it in my hand before stabbing the blade into his neck making him immediately release me and scream in pain.
I grab the knife out of his neck and push him to the floor. I stand above him and dig the knife into his chest and drag it down his body as his screams fill the air.
Thank god my car is covering us from the school cameras and I parked far too.
I take my knife out of his body and look down at him.
Fucking dickhead.
I hear slow claps from behind me which makes me turn around and see Alexander walking towards me slowly with a smirk on his face as he claps.
"Never been more impressed, angel."
I hear my alarm go off, making me open my eyes and roll to my side to turn the alarm off.
I look at the clock from over my TV that is mounted to the wall.
6:30 am
Holy shit.
I close my eyes for another second before taking the covers off of my body and getting out of bed. I walk inside the bathroom and look in the mirror to see how horrible I look. My long dark hair is a mess and it looks like a bird's nest. Don’t even get me started on the smudged mascara around my eyes.