I stretched up to look at his face. “They were so good. Do you… Do you three get jealous of each other?”

He caressed my cheek and shook his head. “Not like that. We’re weird. I know we’re weird and it’s still weird to me.”

I laughed. “Tell me.”

“We’re like one person some days. We’ve been together for our entire existence and we like being together. We operate on the same thought most of the time. So, we don’t really get jealous of each other.” He shrugged. “Except for the rare occasion.”

Resting my upper half against him, I was overly aware of my breasts pushing into him, but I tried to ignore it. “What’s the rare occasion?”

He smiled. “Warren has been in you, has tasted you.”

My breath caught in my chest. Looking at him, I watched his eyes flick down to my mouth. Awareness blossomed until it was impossible to move through it. Trapped in the moment, I watched the bob of his throat as he swallowed, his neck a work of art with dark ink stretching across it.

“Stop looking at me like that, Cupcake.” Lucas’s voice was a growl as his eyes moved over my face, intense and hard.

“Like what?” I was breathless as I thought about what I wanted from him, what I was hoping he knew I wanted.

“Like you want me to throw you down and fuck you senseless. I’m trying to be a gentleman. I didn’t come here to take advantage of you.”

I licked my lips at the gravel in his voice, the promise of just what he said. “You were kind to comfort me.”


I sat up and pulled my top over my head. “I don’t need a gentleman anymore, Lucas.”