Lucas shook his head and came closer. “Don’t let a bunch of drunk people ruin something that can be amazing, Cupcake.”

“You’ve done this before with other women.” I hadn’t meant to throw that out at him, but there it was. I rolled away from him and hugged a pillow. “I don’t want to talk about it, either.”

He swore, and I heard the rustle of fabric. When I looked back, he was shirtless and kicking his shoes off. Grabbing the side of my blanket, he ripped it back and gestured for me to move over. “I’m not just going to let you hang out and cry in here by yourself.”

I squeaked as he pushed me over and crawled in behind me. “Are you going to cry with me?”

“Maybe. Depends.” He wrapped his arm around my waist and dragged me into his chest. “Are you going to tell me to leave?”

No matter how much I told myself to say yes, I sank into his body instantly and shook my head. Instead, I grabbed onto his hand and held it. I was helpless when it came to wanting them. The scariest part was that it didn’t seem to be purely sexual.

“Tell me when you want to talk about it, okay?”

I was quiet for a few seconds and then sighed. “I just thought I was special. I know it’s silly to feel like that, but I can’t help it.”

Lucas sat up slightly and reached around to cup my chin. Turning my face to his, he smiled gently. “There have been others, sure, but you are special, Cupcake. We’ve wanted you for a long time. Taking you isn’t something we haven’t put thought into. We’ve thought about it a lot and talked about it until we’re blue in the face.”

I pouted. “This is all so crazy. And you heard them at the table. They’d think I was a slut for having my own harem.”

“It’s bullshit, Sara. Their ideas of what a woman should or shouldn’t be are theirs. They don’t get to set the standards. You set your own standards. If you decide that having the three of us isn’t for you, then that’s something we’ll deal with. I don’t think you’re opposed to it, though. I think you’re just scared.”

Even though I knew he wasn’t being rude, I latched onto the chance to be angry instead of sad. Sitting up and scooting over, I glared at him. “I’m not scared.”

He ran his hand down his face and visibly counted to ten before reaching out and grabbing me. He dragged me back down next to him and smiled sweetly. “Did you feel anything for Mark when he kissed you? When he rubbed all over you?”

The questions threw me off. I frowned and shook my head. “Unless you count strong repulsion.”

“Do you feel things when I kiss you?” He stroked his thumb over my temple before pressing his lips there. “Do you feel things when I rub against you?”

I bit my lip as he ran his hands down my stomach and thighs. Nodding abruptly, I gave in. I was weak. “Yes, so much.”

“Did you feel things when Warren touched you?”

I nodded.

“Did you feel things when Andrew held you and touched you?”

I nodded again.

“But not when Mark touched you.” He watched me shake my head and pressed his lips just under my ear. “Seems like you don’t get off on just anyone touching you, Cupcake. Just us.”

I licked my lips and turned my body into his. “But three different men…”

“Who all want you desperately. Who want to take care of you and make you happy.” He shuddered. “Sitting at that table and listening to them say shit that I knew was hurting you killed me. There’s nothing wrong with you, Cupcake. You’re fucking perfect.”

“Are you just trying to get into my pants?”

He laughed and shrugged. “I mean. The thought had crossed my mind that I wanted into those flannel PJs, but I would be happy to just hold you. I’m not asking for anything.”

I curled into him and wrapped my arm over his stomach, resting my hand on his side. His skin was hot under my palm, and I sighed. It was so hard to remember why anything was wrong when I was so close to my personal heaven. Resting my head on his chest, I took in all his tattoos, tracing them with eyes hungry for more.

“You’re different than you were back then.”

Lucas ran his fingers through my hair and chuckled. “So are you. Just as beautiful, but all woman now.”

I smiled. “It’s the baking. I have to taste-test everything. Multiple times.”

“I heard Andrew sent you some treats this morning. Good?”