Chapter 1

IfI’dknownthat I’d have Warren Strickland’s face between my thighs in less than two hours, I would’ve been slightly more uncomfortable. As it was, I was able to face Macy, my best friend, without wanting to run and hide.

Macy, dressed in a pretty white sundress, took a long pull from her cocktail and leaned into me. “Can you believe it’s finally happening?”

I squeezed her arm and smiled. “I’m so happy for you, Mace. You deserve this.”

She rolled her eyes. “I’m not sure anyone deserves the monstrosity that is this wedding, but I’ll take it.”

“You deserve it. It could be even bigger and you’d still deserve it.”

“Even bigger than a two-week-long event planned by my neurotic wedding planner and paid for by my neurotic brother? You do realize that there’s a dance planned, right? A full-on fucking dance. And a karaoke night. I’m not sure I was thinking clearly when I signed on for all of this.”

I laughed. “Mace, the dance was your idea!”

“You’re right. It’s all starting to feel a bit much now. People don’t do this. People don’t have weddings like this. Who do I think I am?”

Leaning into her, I squeezed her face in my hands lovingly. “You’re Macy Strickland. You’re amazing, and you’re having the wedding you deserve. End of story.”

“You’re right. That it’s the end of the story, anyway.” She turned to face me fully and caught my hand in hers. “I’m so sorry about Milo.”

My stomach tightened and I fought to keep the scowl off my face. Letting go of her, I leaned back in my seat. “Screw Milo.”

“I agree. Screw Milo. He was a jerk, anyway.”

I laughed. “You loved Milo.”

Draining her glass, she waved me away like I was an annoying mosquito. “I wouldn’t say loved. He was just an improvement over the last asshole you were with. At least, I thought he was. Turns out, he was the same asshole in a different package.”

“A smaller package.” I snorted.

“No!” she gasped dramatically and then groaned. “You never said anything about it!”

I took a long drink of my margarita and shrugged. “What was I supposed to say? The man I think I love has a mediocre penis, at best?”

“Did he at least know how to use it?”

I cast a long look at her and then rolled my eyes. “Why do you think I’ve been so tense for the past two years?”

“Oh, Sara. I’m so sorry. You deserve so much better. You deserve this.” She gestured around at the stunning resort we were sitting in. “It’s not fair that you always attract the losers.”

I winced. “We can’t all attract angels.”

Macy pouted and wrapped her arms around my shoulders in a tight hug. “I’m sorry. That was rude of me. It’s not your fault. Men just suck. All men except Jason.”

That same tightening in my stomach grew worse with hearing her voice the same thing I’d been thinking. Her fiancé was amazing. Jason was kind, handsome, funny, and he’d literally give his life to make Macy happy. I couldn’t find a man who’d give up other women for me.

“Oh, Sara! I made you sad! Come on, let me cheer you up. The pool is amazing. Let’s go swimming.” She pushed away from the bar. “Or there’s the sauna. We can sweat out the bad energy.”

I pulled my best friend into a tight hug and shook my head. “I love you. I’m fine. I think I’m going to take a nap before the barbeque tonight. It was a long flight and I’m exhausted.”

“You promise you’re okay?”

I smiled but remained silent. I didn’t want to lie to her. I knew I’d be okay, but I was filled with so much anger and hurt at Milo that I just wanted to scream. I hadn’t gotten the angry confrontation out of my system when I’d found out that Milo was a cheating asshole. I’d just left and hadn’t looked back. No matter what, though, Milo wasn’t going to break me.

“Fine, fine. Just take your nap. I’ll make sure that we cheer you up tonight. I’m sure seeing the entire family will just bring the biggest smile to your face.”

I didn’t miss her sarcasm. I let out a frustrated little groan and dropped my head back. “I might sleep through it.”