“No, ma’am. You have to be by my side. I’ll be there to protect you from my big, bad brothers.” She laughed. “It’s not like when we were kids, though, Sara. They’ve grown up some.”

I knew they had. I’d just seen an article on Andrew while flipping through a magazine the week before. He was edging his way towards becoming a billionaire and the journalist had captured his stern stare in the photograph they’d printed. It should’ve been a sin how beautiful the triplets were. Too bad they were demons.

“Oh, come on, Sara. Things are different now. How long has it been since you’ve actually spent any time with them?”

“About ten years, by choice.” I shuddered at the memories and backed away. “I’ll be there tonight, of course. I’ll be the one with bells on, happy for you.”

“Don’t be late! You know my cousin, Maggie, is here. She’ll be glued to my side if you’re not there.”

“So, you only want me to be there as a block against your family? I see how it is.” Smiling, I waved goodbye to her and strode towards the front desk.

I hadn’t bothered to check in before meeting Macy at the bar. Despite my personal problems and my funky mood, I was so happy for her. I was eager to spend the next two weeks prepping for the wedding with her and just being with my best friend. We’d been busy in our own lives lately, and I hadn’t seen her enough.

The front desk receptionist greeted me warmly and tapped away at her computer for a moment. She was just about done with me when the phone rang and she had to answer it. I was daydreaming about the bed that I knew would be super fluffy when she gasped and dropped the phone.

“I have to go. My cat is sick.” Tears filled her eyes, and she backed away. “Oh, my god. I have to go.”

She fled from the front of the resort, leaving me standing there, staring after her in shock. I felt terrible for her, and terrible for just standing and watching her, but I was also a little shell-shocked.

It took a minute for someone else to help me, and when they did, they seemed as flustered as I was. The older man apologized profusely, despite me telling him that I was fine. I even went as far as explaining that the woman’s cat was sick in hopes of her not getting in trouble. Still horrified, the man quickly handed me a key card and a certificate for a free massage while I was at the resort.

I would’ve spent more time trying to defend the woman and soothe the man’s worries, but he seemed so eager to get rid of me that I just grabbed my bag and headed towards my room. Before running away, the woman had mentioned I was to go down the grand stairs and towards the right, but looking at the room number on my key card, I needed to go left.

I took my time moving through the resort, looking around. The grand ceilings, the tall walls of natural stone, the sweeping wood floors, it was all so stunning. Set against the massive picture of nature that showed through the big windows, the whole resort felt warm and comforting. It was a modern cabin that I never would’ve been able to afford if the entire event wasn’t being paid for by Andrew.

I felt small walking through the huge, window-lined hallway that led to the rooms. Everything was so pretty, and the snow on the ground outside made me feel like I was in a winter wonderland. Macy was a very lucky bride. She was going to have the most beautiful wedding, at the most beautiful resort. It was impossible not to feel the smallest smidge of jealousy, but I really was so happy for her. She’d gone through her own fair share of frogs to find her prince charming and she deserved her happy ever after.

Still. It would be nice to find my own. Instead, I just kept stumbling upon more and more frogs. With warts. Metaphoric warts.

Finding my room, I stared at the plaque on the double doors in confusion. It read Marigold Suite. I didn’t think I’d gotten a suite. With Andrew paying for everything, I was surprised that I’d gotten anything at all. I half expected my key card to not work as I swiped it, but it did.

Feeling a bud of excitement blossom in my chest, I hoped that things were taking a turn for the better for me. I could hope. It was fine to hope.

Pushing into the suite, I looked around in awe. More of the cathedral ceilings stretched into the entrance, with beautiful hardwood under my feet. Plush rugs led farther into the suite. I could see a massive fireplace glowing with a real fire on the other side of the room, next to a wall of windows that looked out over the tundra behind the resort.

Excitement had me rushing into the back part of the suite, the bedroom. A massive bed looked welcoming, and I couldn’t help but jump on it. Staring up at the ceiling, I breathed out a sigh of relief. Things were going to be okay. Based solely on the comfort of the bed under me, I knew things were going to be okay.

I stood up to look around the rest of the suite and realized that I could hear a shower running from one of the other rooms nearby. How strange. I wouldn’t think that sound would carry so easily in such a nice resort. I walked towards the sound, wondering how quiet I was going to have to be during my stay. I didn’t want to bother anyone staying on either side of me.

A door off the other side of the bed, as tall as two of me, seemed to be the source of the sound. Instantly worried, I slowly crept towards it and grabbed the big handle. Pressing my ear to the door, I frowned as a low grunt filled my senses. Without another thought, I pushed open the door, expecting to see a closet that shared a wall with the adjoining suite. Instead, I found myself standing in a bathroom, across the room from Warren Strickland.

Warren Strickland, standing in a steamy shower, one arm braced on the wall, one big hand wrapped around his equally big cock. Fist pumping, he jacked himself off with a slow intensity that instantly flooded my panties with desire. Too much man, too much testosterone—too much cock.

I gasped and turned my back, something that was harder than it should’ve been. “What are you doing?”

The water turned off, and a low growl filled the bathroom. “What am I doing? What are you doing?”

I peeked back at him and squeaked when I found him still naked, still standing with his cock in his hand. “Oh, my god. What are you doing?”

“You already asked that.” He growled the words out. “I think it’s pretty fucking obvious what I’m doing. Now do you mind telling me why you’re in my bathroom?”

“Your bathroom? This is my bathroom!”

“Sorry, Cupcake, but this is my bathroom. My bathroom and my room. How’d you get in?”

I felt my face go blood red. Was I in his room? How would that be possible? “A key. I got a key from the front desk. It had this room number on it.”

“Someone fucked up.”