I want to tell him, but when I grab my phone, it’s dead. I never plugged it into the car charger on the drive over, too worried I’d lose track of Mr. Coleman’s car. Now I’m kicking myself. When I try the power button, the battery icon blinks on the screen, mocking me in its uselessness. I can’t even call Maisy’s dad about Mr. Coleman to make a report about what happened to me.

Glancing from my phone to his porch, I blow out a breath. I can’t wait for the phone to charge. The sophomore girl is still inside. He could be trapping her right now. If I leave to get help, will it be too late for her? Maybe I can knock on the doors of other people on the block. But how long will it take?

There’s one thing I know for certain: I won’t stand by and let Mr. Coleman harm any other girls like he hurt me. I’ve seen the folder. Hell, I lived the folder.

I have to do something.

Stuffing the file back in my purse, I take the bag and grab the all-in-one tool from the glove box Maisy insisted I have. It’s for car accidents, but it could do damage as a weapon in an emergency. Climbing out of the car, I shove it in my coat pocket as I hurry to the closest house across from Mr. Coleman’s. I knock on the door, but there’s no answer. I knock again, shifting restlessly on my feet.

“Come on. Damn it. Why doesn’t anyone answer their doors anymore?”

I run to the next house over, trying there. No one answers. This is wasting


Shaking out my hands, I head for Mr. Coleman’s house. I keep low as I sneak around, peeking in windows carefully. Inside, it’s rundown with cracks in the plastered walls. My breath catches at the sight of the dual monitor computer surrounded by an array of old takeout containers. I still don’t see anyone, so I continue around the side of the house. Voices from inside drift out through the old, grimy windows.

“…sure you have to go right away? I insist, stay for a quick cup of cocoa,” Mr. Coleman says. “It’ll warm you up from the chill.”

Only part of their conversation is audible as I strain my ears, crouched beneath a window.

“…supposed to get back, but…”

“Don’t be silly,” he says, closer to the window. I hold my breath. “There’s no rush, right?” There’s a slight pause, then, “That’s the holiday spirit. Never too much cocoa. I’ll put on some music, too.”

She must have agreed. I shift around, but in the fading light I misjudge the distance between my hip and the recycling cans near the window, accidentally knocking into one.

“Crap, crap, crap,” I hiss, steadying them before they make too much noise. Hopefully Mr. Coleman didn’t hear that. Or if he did, writes it off as a wild animal.

Holiday music starts playing. I try to peek in another window to see if I can gesture to the girl to warn her off, but it’s too dark inside to see anything. Why aren’t any of the lights on?

I skirt around to the back door to see if I can hear better. Before I reach the handle, a hand covers my mouth as I’m grabbed.


Lips press against my ear, making my skin crawl when I hear Mr. Coleman’s husky voice. “You came, princess. I thought that was your little blue car in my mirror. Following me, sneaking around out here playing naughty games? Well, if you insist. I’ll have to punish you later.”

White-hot panic rushes up my spine. I kick and thrash, but he’s strong. I try to scream, but his hand muffles it.

When did he come outside? Oh god, this can’t be happening!

“Ah, ah. You came to me. I’m your knight, princess. Stop fighting it.” His demeanor has changed from earlier, bordering on manic. “I’ve been waiting for you. I’ve wanted to tell you for so long—every day in class. Having you chase me at the market was so thrilling. I knew you must have realized it and couldn’t stay away any longer.” He presses his nose into my hair as I struggle. “But you’re making this hard for me by misbehaving.”

I’m your knight, princess.


No fucking way.

He’s spouting words he’s typed to me a hundred times over. A sickening sensation travels through my body.

This is worse than every nightmare I’ve ever had come to life.

Mr. Coleman keeps my arms pinned tight. I’m too short to crack my skull back into his. I try to bite him, to yell, but he squeezes my face hard enough to hurt.

Everything in my body screams in protest at his harsh grip. I feel violated all over again, worse this time with his hands all over me. His breath is hot on the back of my neck as he grunts against my frantic flailing.
