Escaping his hold is impossible, but I manage to worm my fingers into my coat pocket. They slip on the smooth handle of the all-in-one tool. My chest caves with a desperate, smothered cry.
Please, please.
When I have it, I release a wild sound, swinging as hard as I can with limited motion. Mr. Coleman grunts as I catch him in the leg with the hard tip meant for breaking glass. But it doesn’t work for him to release me like I wanted. I didn’t strike hard enough.
He wrenches the tool from my grasp and throws it aside in the dead grass. That was my only weapon against him!
“Mmph! Mmmph!” My protests come out as muffled grunts.
His voice is a low growl in my ear as he lifts me from the ground. “You’ll behave, pet. I don’t want to punish you too harshly, but I will.”
Terror spears through my body as he crushes me against the back door, covering my back to pin me there. My nostrils flare with each panicked, labored breath.
He has me inside before I can fight him off. I try to scream again, to warn the sophomore girl, but with his hand over my mouth and holiday music playing, I go unheard.
My pulse races as he shoves me through another door, then down a short flight of steps into a basement off the kitchen. I squirm to reach for something I can use against him. Anything to stun him long enough to escape.
My feet jar as he drops me back to the ground, sending me stumbling from the jolt. A second later, he shoves me against a workbench with shelves of cubby holes. My bag drops to the ground as I try to break his hold. In the struggle, my head knocks into a shelf, spreading a jarring pain in my skull and making my vision swim. Everything goes black around the edges, a strange pulse in my head leaving me woozy.
He watches me with calculating, narrowed eyes, then steps back. Without his disgusting hands holding me up, the dizziness gets worse and I slump against the table, then collapse to the floor. I try to form words with my heavy tongue, but everything goes black.
Open your eyes! Get up!
Cracking my eyes open takes effort. I think I try it multiple times as I sit on the dusty floor because distorted flashes of Mr. Coleman slip through the throbbing in my head. Watching me. Getting a tool and extension cords. His back to me as he climbs the stairs.
Now! Escape now!
When I come to, I’m alone. I don’t know how much time it’s been. Seconds? Minutes? Hours? I scrub a hand over my face and climb to my feet. My head still hurts, but the dizziness that made me black out has passed.
It can’t be long if my head is still tender. I wince, carefully prodding at my skull.
The room grows dimmer as the last of the daylight outside fades into dusk. No lights are on, swallowing me in shadows and darkness.
My chest heaves as my breathing speeds back up. I race up the steps, but the door is locked. The music is turned down lower. I smack my palm against the door.
“Help! Hey! Help me! Let me out!” As I scream, I jiggle the doorknob. No matter how hard I yank on the handle, it doesn’t budge. My palm stings from banging so hard.
Mr. Coleman’s muted voice travels through the door, sounding far away. I pause to press my ear to the door. “…no problem. Tell your parents they can borrow from me anytime. Goodnight.”
The extension cords. That was why she came in? I thought—
Shit! I wanted to help the other girl, but now Mr. Coleman has me. How the hell am I getting out of this?!
My nerve endings feel flayed from the dread choking me.
Was it a mistake to want to help? I didn’t have any other choice. A swollen lump lodges in my throat as I press my forehead to the door, breathing through the rush of emotions.
Repulsion rushes over my body. How could I have thought that pet name made me feel special at fifteen? Now it only sends wave after wave of nausea through me. I’m trapped by my abuser. What will he do to me?
At least the other girl got away. That’s the only silver lining I can cling to right now. Mr. Coleman took me instead.
I’m sorry, Connor. I’m sorry I messed up so badly.
If I hadn’t shut down in denial, I wouldn’t be here right now.
I wish Connor were here. He has stepped in so many times, not trusting Mr. Coleman around me. But wishing for him won’t save me.