Page 99 of One Week Wingman

I send Grace a quick text.‘You know all the assistant networks in town, right?’

‘Most of them! What do you need?’

‘Some info…’

I fill her in on the mission, and within ten minutes, she’s managed to track down the details I’m looking for. I shower and dress, and leave Daisy snoozing on the couch, and head across town to a chic gym in Tribeca. I figured I might have to sneak in, but luckily, they offer guest passes, so I’m able to swipe in and go straight for the cavernous main cardio space.

I find Natalia on the treadmill, dressed in a matching workout set, pacing briskly as she consults her iPad.

Here goes nothing…

“Hi,” I greet her brightly. Natalia does a double take.

“What are you doing here?” she asks, frowning.

“Looking for you.” I plant myself beside her. “We need to talk.”

“I believe I’ve heard everything I need to,” she says coolly, not breaking stride.

“No, you haven’t. Look, this whole thing spiraled out of control. Seb was meant to be helping me!” I blurt, nervous to blow this all over again. “I needed someone to stand in for my imaginary boyfriend, Stefano, he was supposed to be my Bunbury, and keep my parents off my back, but then I had to go home, and the three bitches of Eastwick were judging me, and I couldn’t face it alone. Sebastian showed up to rescueme!”

Natalia is looking at me like I’m a madwoman, and maybe I am.

“And yes, OK, he may have lied to you about his plans to settle down and propose,” I add quickly. “But that was just because you weren’t taking him seriously! But he is. Serious. About the vineyard, even you have to see that—”

“Are you using this one?”

I’m interrupted by someone approaching the treadmill by Natalia, blocking me from view.

“Yes!” I blurt. “I am!”

She backs off, looking confused. Probably because I’m wearing chunky loafers and jeans, but I get on it all the same to stop any more distractions. “What was I saying? Right, the vineyard. It’s his dream, Natalia. His passion. You heard the way he was talking, all the plans for the grapes, and events, and efficiencies. The man is a nerd about wine,” I insist, gesturing wildly.

I accidentally hit a button on the treadmill, and it whirs to life.


“Nobody knows more, or cares more about those grapes,” I continue, trying to stay focused despite the fact I’m walking fast now. And the treadmill is speeding up. “He’s the perfect partner for your father, and I know he lied, but he wanted so badly to impress you…” I wheeze, breaking into a run.How the hell do I shut this thing off?“Can you hear him out? Maybe give him a second chance, because—Oh my God!”

The treadmill kicks up a gear, and now I’m sprinting for my life. “Make it stop!” I wail, randomly hitting every button I can see.

Natalia watches me flail for a moment, then reaches over and calmly presses the big red button right under my nose.

The treadmill stops.

I gasp for air, bent double. “There’s a reason I don’t do cardio,” I wheeze, recovering. “Why would you torture yourself like this?”

When I finally straighten up again, Natalia is regarding me with an amused smirk. “Well, I have to applaud your dedication,” she says, finally bringing her own treadmill to a stop. “Did Sebastian send you?”

“No. He doesn’t know I’m here. We haven’t even spoken since… Well, since the reunion,” I admit.

Natalia arches an eyebrow. “So why try to change my mind?”

“Because this vineyard is his dream,” I repeat. “And things might not have worked out between us, but I couldn’t live with myself if I knew I’d been part of ruining that dream. He may not be ready to settle down with a woman,” I add, rueful, “But he’s committed to those grapes. You could bury him in the vines, and he’d die a happy man.”

Natalia finally smiles. “That sounds like someone I know,” she says. “My father is the same.”

I look at her, hopeful. “They’d make great partners,” I suggest. “Just, give Sebastian another chance. Hear him out, please.”