Natalia pauses. “I’ll think about it,” she says.
I exhale. It’s not a ‘yes’… But it’s not a ‘no’ either.
“Thank you!” I exclaim. “You won’t regret it.”
Daisy is surprisinglybright-eyed and bushy-tailed when I get back to my place. “It’s all about hydration,” she says, breezily, touching up her perfect eyeliner. “I have a deal with this great electrolyte supplement company, I can totally hook you up.”
“I’ll stick to the classics, thanks,” I say, gulping water from my kitchen faucet. “Are you heading back to Ashford Falls now?”
“I could…” Daisy fixes me with a hopeful look. “Or… We could hit the town! What do you say? The King sisters take Manhattan.”
“And by that, you mean take photos for your social media pages?” I ask, eying her adorable gingham ruffled dress and bright red swing coat.
But to my surprise, Daisy shakes her head. “No photos,” she promises. “Let’s just hang out and have fun.”
So we do. We hit the Met Museum for an exhibit, take an autumnal stroll in Central Park, and browse the boutiques in the West Village, aka, all the touristy things I never actually do, living here year-round. When I finally head to Mavericks for my evening shift, Daisy insists on coming too. “I’ve heard so much about the place, I have to see it,” she declares. “And also, these men. You said there’s a single one, right?”
I laugh. “Flynn’s the last bachelor standing,” I agree. “Besides Sebastian, I mean.”
I swallow, and Daisy squeezes my hand. “You’ve got this,” she says confidently.
Inside, it’s packed. Way busier than usual, even for a Saturday night. “What’s going on?” I ask, looking around.
And then I see him. Sebastian. Hanging in the corner booth with the guys, wearing jeans and a rust-colored sweater that immediately makes me think of apple picking in Ashford Falls.
My heart clenches.
“Are you going to talk to him?” Daisy asks me, following my gaze.
I pause. “I don’t know.”
Seb looks over, catching my eye, and for a moment, everything else melts away. All my feelings come rushing to the surface again, and all I want is to be in his arms.
I miss him.
I want him.
As if he heard me, Sebastian gets up from the booth, and starts to head in my direction. But before he’s made it even a couple of steps into the crowd, someone grabs my arm, and turns me away from him. It’s Piper.
“Help!” she exclaims, looking frantic. “We need you!”
“For what?” I ask, throwing a glance back to Sebastian. But I can’t see him anymore.
“Charlie advertised this big music night,” Piper explains, dragging me through the crowd. “All these people showed up, for a live band, but they just called, they’re stuck in traffic outside Philadelphia and won’t make it. You have to do something!”
“Me?” I stop dead.
“You.” Piper looks at me, imploring. “You have to sing!”
Me.Perform.In front of a packed crowd?
I freeze, shaking my head. “No. Nope. No way.”
“Please,” Piper implores me. “Everyone’s expecting a show.”