Page 57 of Maverick Mogul

“Agreed,” I tell her.

“Honestly, I just hope it’s a great party, you know?” she continues. “We want everyone to have a blast.”

“When this guy got married, the reception was a barnburner,” Dylan tells Poppy happily, hitching a thumb toward Charlie. “I couldn’t look at tequila for a month.”

Wait, what?

I part my lips to ask Dylan what he means. But Charlie doesn’t correct him or deny it. He just shifts uncomfortably beside me, staring at the flames.

“It was fun,” Charlie agrees, evenly. “And holds up to the reverse on Poppy’s theory, eh?”

I look around, waiting for the punchline. Because they have to be kidding—right?

Poppy smiles at him, firelight moving over her face. “Any advice for the big day?”

“Exactly what you’re doing,” Charlie says, quickly, like he just wants this topic to be over. “Stay in the moment.”

And that’s when I realize: Holy shit. Perpetual bachelor… Ultimate playboy… Charlie Fox wasmarried?!



I’m tooshocked to even get out a reaction of surprise or disbelief. Charlie smoothly asks about Poppy and Dylan’s honeymoon destination, which sends them into a conversation with Dash about St. Lucia. I manage to contribute deep thoughts like “wow” and “sounds great.” Meanwhile, my mind whirs with questions: Who was Charlie married to? What happened? How long ago?

Why didn’t he tell me?

“… You’ve got to take a boat out, make a day of it. The sunsets are unbelievable.”

I know exactly what Charlie is doing here, making sure Poppy and Dylan don’t realize they struck a nerve that is still painfully stinging. And it works, too. The conversation moves right along like nothing has happened. And maybe to them, it hasn’t. after all, they knew all about Charlie’s ill-fated marriage.

I’m the only one at this table who is completely in the dark.

After another minute of chit-chat, Charlie stands, clearing his throat. “One more round for me. Anyone else?”

“Sure,” I say, rising to my feet. “I can come with you to—”

“No need. I’ve got it!”

He disappears to the bar before can object.

I have no choice but to stay, numbly trying to seem normal while I buzz with silent questions.


Maybe I shouldn’t be surprised. He’s a grown man, he had a life before I met him, but still, I can’t stop spinning possibilities in my mind. Was it a drunken, Vegas thing that got annulled? Or was he granting the dying wish of his college sweetheart before she wasted away from a picturesque terminal disease?

No, wait, that was a Lifetime Movie of the Week.

When Charlie doesn’t return after a few minutes, I can’t sit still any longer.

“Well,” I say, rising from my seat. I smile at the others. “I’m going to go track Charlie down. Make sure he wasn’t dragged to the dance floor by a handsy aunt.”

“Myra’s here?” Dash asks, looking around. “Now there’s a fun time…

“We’ll see you in the morning!” Poppy smiles.

I take off in search, but Charlie isn’t at the bar, or the tables near the lantern-lit dance floor. I’m about to head back to our tent when I catch sight of a familiar silhouette, a ways from the party. There’s a bench beneath a broad oak tree, and I can make out Charlie sitting there, lit by the flicker of a nearby bonfire.