Page 56 of Maverick Mogul

I catch Charlie’s eye, and we share a sizzling glance.

“Glad to hear it,” Austin says. “Because usually, we can’t take the guy anywhere.”

“He’s the least charming person we know,” Dash agrees. “A charisma vacuum.”

“Walks into the room, and whoosh, people run the other way,” Flynn adds.

I laugh. “Sure, that sounds like him,” I agree. “Plus, the guy can’t carry a conversation. He just clams up, so awkward.”

“Gee, thanks, you guys,” Charlie speaks up, but his buddies just grin.

“We’re just kidding,” Dash says, slinging an arm around Charlie’s shoulders. “We’re the beasts here. The bar would be screwed without our fearless leader.”

“Leader?” I turn to Charlie, surprised. “You said you all ran it together.”

“He’s just being modest,” Dash answers for him. “Rare, I know, but it does happen.”

“The truth is, Mavericks is Charlie’s big dream,” Austin explains to me. “We all pitch in, sure, but he’s the one making shit happen.”

“When he’s not squiring you to every wedding in the tri-state area,” Flynn adds with a grizzled smirk. “How’s that going, by the way?”

“It’s an experience, that’s for sure,” I reply.A sexy, hot experience I want to repeat ASAP.I clear my throat—and my mind of dirty thoughts. “I never thought I’d get sick of wedding cake, but…”

“You need to come by the bar sometime,” Dash urges. “Our chef is fucking awesome. We stole him from a dive in New Orleans, makes these beignets that will blow your mind.”

“Maybe,” I nod, shooting another glance at Charlie. I’m not sure if bonding with his buddies is part of the arrangement.

Or what the hell our arrangement even is anymore.

But Charlie is smiling, still relaxed. “Nico is a genius,” he agrees. “As long as you don’t question his budget.”

“See, there he goes again.” Dash laughs. “Mister Bottom Line.”

“Someone’s got to care about the profits,” Charlie protests.

“Yeah yeah,” Dash grins.

Charlie looks past us, to where the corseted wenches are waving and beckoning again. “Isn’t that your cue?”

Flynn smirks. “We can take a hint. Great meeting you, Grace, but our duty calls.”

They head over to their eager audience, while we grab some food and join Poppy and Dylan by the fire. Though part of me wants to drag Charlie back to our tent, I also don’t want the night to be over just yet. It’s dark out now, and there are lanterns and torches lit all around the dance floor, casting us all in a warm glow.

“So,” I say, looking at my new friends. “You two are getting married next week. Is the to-do list pretty much done?”

Dylan takes Poppy’s hand, like even sitting on the same hay bale isn’t close enough. She smiles at him, then looks back to me. “Yep! Everything in my control has been done for a while. Now it’s mostly sit back and enjoy—I hope!”

“The wedding’s at one of my hotel properties,” Dylan explains. “It’s easy to have confidence when you hired and trained the staff who will be working the event.”

“Oh, you’ll love it at the Griffin.” Poppy nods eagerly. “We’re so excited to host everyone there.”

“Can’t wait to finally see it,” Charlie says. “My expectations are pretty high after a lot of big talk over the years.”

“The Griffin’s up to it,” Dylan assures him, with a grin.

“So, no nerves at all?” I ask, glancing between their calm expressions. “You both seem so chill!”

“If everything goes according to plan, I’ll count us lucky,” Poppy says. “And if things go wrong, I’ll treat it as a Charlotte fromSex and the Citything. I’d rather a messy wedding day and a wonderful marriage than the reverse.”