Page 30 of Mister Concierge

“Why have you asked to meet with my client?” she asked.

“Your client has become a nuisance since the passing of her daughter.” Caroline scoffed, but Rameek continued. “Mr. Thompson has been nothing but fair and considerate, but Caroline has taken advantage of that. Not only did he pay for Brandy’s funeral, but he invested a six-figure donation to her company to ensure her employees would have time to find new jobs as well. Andy, the man operating the sex swing, has been banned from the Tower because of the accident. Charges have been filed against him. Now…” Rameek paused, shifting his eyes in Caroline’s direction. “No matter how it happened, a life was lost, and for that, Caroline has our sincerest condolences. We understand she wants justice and for someone to pay, but we are not sure how she expects that to happen. Mr. Thompson is open to any suggestions she has to ensure we can come to an agreement that would please us all.”

“I want the club shut down. What happened to my daughter could have been prevented if it weren’t for this… this… Sodom and Gomorrah of a place existing.”

“What happened to your daughter wouldn’t have happened if the harness was used correctly,” I clarified, unable to hold back any longer. “With that being said, I am willing to shut the club down for a month or so to ensure all machines are installed and working properly. I have also decided that all members must take a safety and etiquette class to maintain their membership, and it will be required for new members before they will be admitted. This will ensure that everyone operating the machines understand how they work fully. There will also be panic buttons installed just in case something like this happens again, but I highly doubt that. The machine wasn’t at fault here; the man using it was. I’ve apologized for that already, Caroline. I don’t know what else you want me to do.”

For the first time since our meeting, her expression softened. She allowed her pain to show instead of the anger she’d been using to showcase it.

“Tell me, realistically, something I can do to make you feel better, Caroline. I’ll do it.”

Her tears fell, so she looked away. “Can you bring my daughter back?”

“You know I can’t, but I promise I would if I could.”

“Then there’s nothing you can do for me.”

“If that’s the case, why are you causing so much trouble?” I asked as calmly as I could.

“Because someone needs to pay!” she yelled, slamming her fist on the table. “My baby died here, Hosea. Doesn’t that meananythingto you?”

I chuckled as my head and leg shook. “I think about Brandy every fucking day. I didn’t even know her, yet I will carry her with me for the rest of my life. You think it’s easy for me to go on, knowing what happened here? It isn’t, but I have other people to think about. I know you might not understand the reason for my club but it serves my people. If I shut it down because of Brandy… I’m taking away something that gives happiness and pleasure to a lot of others. I just can’t do that, Caroline. But what I can do is offer to pay for your grief counseling, if needed, and I can give you something that will make life without her a little more comfortable. Money doesn’t solve everything, and I’m not trying to pay for your silence, but this is the only thing I feel like I can do to show you how sorry I am that this happened.”

At the sound of that, Rameek slid the piece of paper that had what I was willing to offer written on it. Caroline covered her mouth at the sight of half a million dollars. I didn’t think it was greed; it was surprise.

“Take that and live for your daughter. Be proud that I’m making my establishment better because of her. I hate the sacrifice of her life that it took to get here, and I’ll forever carry that with me, but please find peace in knowing things are going to be better because of her.”

“That comes with stipulations,” Rameek made clear. “Caroline is not to step foot on the premises again. If she mentions Hosea, the Tower, or his parents, Caroline’s monthly payments will cease. She will need to sign an NDA to this effect if she agrees.”

Caroline and her attorney talked amongst themselves, and I prayed she would agree. I was ready to put this chapter behind me.

Sitting up in her seat, Caroline’s attorney said, “Make it one million, and you have a deal.”



Me and Saint had been playing phone tag for the past few days. Working at the lounge was a welcomed distraction, but it also made it difficult for me to answer my phone. This time when he called, I was getting ready to go out with Hosea for the evening, so I was able to answer.

“Hey, big brother.”

“Cartier! What’s up, baby?”

“Shit. Getting ready to go out for a lil’ minute.”

“You good?”

“I’m great. Seriously. I still have my moments, but I just pray for Ashley and it helps me deal, you know?”

“I feel you. Any updates on the nigga that hit her up?”

“No, but they have more to work with now than when it first happened. Detective Sanders is more confident they’ll be able to catch him soon.”

“Well, that’s good. I ain’t gon’ hold ya. Just wanted to hear your voice.”

“How’s the tour going? When can you get away?”

“It’s going well. I have six more back-to-back stops, then I’ll have a week off.”