Sighing, I leaned against the bathroom counter and looked my expression over.
“Hopefully, you’ll be able to get some rest.”
“Yeah, I’m sure I will. Might fly out of the country to make sure I do.”
“Ooh, take me with you!”
He chuckled before agreeing with, “You know I will.”
“Alright, Saint. I love you.”
“I love you, too. Tell Zay to hit me up in the morning.”
“Babe!” I called out to Hosea after ending the call.
“Wassup?” he replied from his room.
“How do I need to dress? I don’t know where we’re going.”
“We’re going to the grand opening of Salen’s winery, so a dress.”
About a minute passed before Hosea was walking into the bathroom with his hands behind his back.
“Is that something for me?”
“Yeah, but it’s also for me.” He stuffed the box in his back pocket. “First, I want to see how responsive you are to certain instructions.”
“Instructions?” I repeated quietly as he took a step toward me.
“Yes.” Hosea’s eyes shifted from my feet to the top of my head. “With the release of control, you should experience the satisfaction of being cared for. Having to make fewer choices. There’s also the joy of knowing the choices you make are pleasing to your partner. So something as simple as allowing me to select your outfit for the evening or telling you what to do with your hair can stimulate you.”
I chuckled as I placed my hands on my hips. “Now I don’t believe that.”
“Remove your glasses and take down your hair.”
“I don’t repeat myself, but I will this once.”
He took another step toward me, closing the space between us completely. We were close enough to touch, but he refused to provide that pleasure. Lowering himself to my ear, he commanded, “Remove your glasses and take down your hair,” in a low, deep tone that made me shiver. Standing upright, Hosea watched me as I removed my reading glasses and the silk scrunchie that was holding my hair.
The sight of his smile made me smile. His fingers slipped into my hair, massaging my scalp just how I liked. My eyes fluttered as I gripped his wrist, not wanting him to go anywhere.
“How does that feel?” he asked, pressing his body into mine. “Submitting to me.” Hosea kissed my forehead. “Pleasing me.” Then my nose. “Doing just as I asked.” Last, my lips.
“It feels great,” I admitted, tone just as relaxed as my body felt.
“You’ll wear that dark orange strapless dress that’s low cut in the back. I want every man there to wish you were his.”
“Yes, Zay.”
His arrogant smile made me chuckle as he released me. Pulling the box from his back pocket, Hosea said, “In a lot of Dom/sub relationships, women are collared. It symbolizes commitment. That they belong to one another. When the collar is on, the submissive is surrendering power in exchange for her Dom’s care. I like more subtle collars, like jewelry, because only my sub and I know what it means.” Hosea opened the box, and at the sight of the diamond encrusted choker, I gasped. It was absolutelybeautiful. “I know we’re not in a romantic relationship, but I would like to adorn you with this as a symbol of the commitment we’re making to each other. It will also remind you that you’re mine, and I don’t share, Cartier. At all.”
Turning my back to him, I said, “Put it on me.”