I did, gripping the handles and the brakes for dear life.
“First, we’re going to pedal with me holding you. Then I’ll let you push off and hold your feet up. When you start to lose your balance, put your feet down. That will keep you from falling. Then, you’ll put your foot on one pedal and push off with the other in the air. And when you feel confident enough, you can pedal with both feet by yourself.”
I nodded, though half of what he said went in one ear and out of the other. It didn’t matter because Hosea reiterated everything before we did it. Slowly, he walked me down the sidewalk as I pedaled. We did that for about five minutes before he released the bike and let me push off on my own. I was only able to get down short distances before having to put my feet down and stop.
I ended up doing that for about ten minutes, then I felt comfortable enough to pedal with one foot while the other alternated between being in the air and on the ground. After about two or three minutes of doing that, I felt like I’d learned to keep my balance enough to pedal with both feet. Before I did, Hosea led me down the sidewalk, holding on one last time.
“You sure you ready?” he confirmed.
Nodding, I inhaled a deep breath. “Yes, I’m ready.”
“Okay. Remember to look straight ahead. Don’t look back or down, or you’ll lose your balance.”Such is life.“You won’t fall. You are your own strength. If you feel wobbly, just hit the brakes, then put your feet down.”
“Okay, I’m ready.”
I could tell he wasn’t by how hesitantly Hosea released me, but when he did, he smiled and gave me space.
“Go ahead, Tink.”
I took in another deep breath before I started riding. The parking lot on the side of the building was closed off, so I was able to ride around it with no worries or fears. As I picked up speed, I couldn’t help but squeal and laugh. I was truly having the time of my life.
I got so deep I rode behind the Tower in the grass. I wasn’t sure how long I’d been out there, but somewhere along the line, everything went still. I inhaled a deep breath, and it felt as if a weight I didn’t even know I was carrying was lifted off my shoulders and my heart. Riding back over to Hosea, I noticed he was recording a video of me, but that didn’t stop me from dropping the bike and jogging over to him as I fought back my tears.
“Tink…” he called softly, catching me as I all but dove into his arms.
I wrapped my arms around his neck before covering his lips with mine. We both released content sighs, melting and molding against one another in the process. He pressed me into the wall—shielding my head with his hand.
“You’re really strong,” I complimented as he held me against the wall with one arm.
“That’s what you need, right?” he reminded before sucking my top lip into his mouth. “What do you call me?” He did it again, kissing me so tenderly all words fizzled out of my brain. “Cartier…”
“My warrior.”
“Yes,” he moaned before slipping his tongue into my mouth.
As soon as it wrapped around mine, my pussy leaked. Nipples hardened. I didn’t give a fuck where we were. I was ten seconds away from pulling his dick out and letting him press his way inside of me.
Hosea pulled away, inhaling my exhale. He cleared his throat, and it was almost as if a switch had been turned on as he placed me on my feet. “We need to discuss a few things before we get physical again. I have a lot of discipline, but with you, there may be moments where I simply don’t want to.”
“I’m…” I nodded, gathering my thoughts. “I’m cool with that. Yeah.”
Hosea gave me a crooked smile as he cupped my cheek and pulled me into his chest. “I know you are, because you’re my good girl. Aren’t you?”
Lips parted, I nodded as my mouth watered. “Yes.”
“Say it,” he commanded, voice low with contained force.
“I’m your good girl.”
“And you like to please me, don’t you?”
“Yes,” I moaned, feeling my clit swell. His brows lifted, and he didn’t have to say the words for me to have to know what he wanted. “I like to please you.”
“Because you know I’ll take care of you, right?”
“Yes, Mr. Thompson.”
I don’t know what the hell possessed me to call that man by his last name. Hell, I damn near called himDaddy! The smile he gave me after licking his lips let me know he’d liked it.