Page 27 of Mister Concierge

Sighing, I shook my head. “Mine are service and scent.” I couldn’t help but chuckle. “I think that’s why I’ve catered to men in the past so much. It’s because I wanted that to translate to how I wanted to feel loved. Never worked, though. But with you… it’s different.”

“I’m a caregiver naturally. And a provider. I would have no problems making you feel loved. Is that why you wanted me to be your Dom?”

“Yes,” I mumbled. “It’s so hard for me to trust men right now, but I’ve never had that problem with you. Physically because of the robbery and mentally and emotionally because of the abrupt change within Raven and our relationship ending. I’ve gone from feeling in control of everything to in control of nothing at all and I just… wanted that feeling to go away.”

Hosea released my hand and sat back in his seat. He looked me over intently, and the vulnerability that consumed me had me feeling naked under his stare.

“I know the power of intimacy when done right. How it can heal and affirm. I don’t believe in knowing a person’s need and not tending to it if you can—that’s cruelty to me.”

Biting down on my bottom lip, I tried to keep my smile from forming until I was absolutely sure I knew where he was going with this.

“Zay, are you saying what I think you’re saying?”

He smiled softly and took a sip of his latte, in no rush whatsoever to answer me.

“I’m saying, we can have a casual Dom/sub relationship until you leave just so you can have a shift in your confidence, but it’s not going to be just about the sex, okay?”

Shimmying in my seat, I nodded my agreement. “Whatever you say, I’m with it.”

He released the sexiest chuckle. “We’ll see if you keep that energy when you experience what I have in store for you.” Hosea studied me with playful eyes for a few seconds before saying, “Finish your latte. I have something else planned for you today.”

“Okay,” I agreed softly, excited about what was to come.

* * *

When we arrived at the Tower, there were two bikes by the valet area. One was black, and the other was a pretty rose gold color. I was fascinated by it because I’d never learned how to ride a bike. In my mother’s attempt to provide for me and make sure not having my dad around didn’t cause me to suffer financially, she wasn’t there physically. There were things I wished I could do with her that I saw my friends doing with their parents—learning to ride a bike was one of those things.

Sighing, I squeezed the back of my neck. It was crazy how something so simple from your childhood could affect you as an adult.

“You okay?” Hosea asked, taking my hand into his. I loved how present he was. Most times, I didn’t have to say anything—he just knew.

“I’m good. Just… those bikes. Silly, huh?”

“Not at all.” Hosea led me over to the bikes. “Let’s see if I got the right size.”

“Wha—you… Zay…” My eyes watered and I covered my face as I laughed. “You got these for us?”

“I did.” His hands covered my wrists, lowering my hands from over my face. “We can go at your pace, but I think you’re a quick learner.”

“Thank you,” I whispered, pulling him down to me for a hug. “You’re so thoughtful and intentional. So considerate. I really, really appreciate you so much, Hosea. Thank you.”

His hands moved up and down my back before he pulled me in closer. He placed a kiss to my neck that had chill bumps covering my arms as he released me.

“You’re welcome, Tink. I told you, I will do anything for you.”

“When can we start?”

“Whenever you want.”

Looking down at my peplum top and leggings, I asked, “Can we start now?”

“Yeah, we can.”

He handed our things to the valet worker as I clapped in excitement. Walking the bike over to the side of the building, Hosea told me, “I’m not going to let you fall, and I’m not going to stop holding you until you want me to, okay?”


“Get on,” he instructed, holding the bike steady for me.