Page 35 of Every Man's Fantasy

“Not because of me. You were the one that kept putting it off.”

I cut her off and told her that I didn't even want to argue about it. It was not something that I even cared about and not the reason I’d called. I wasn't worried about her anymore or what kind of strange relationship we had together. All I was worried about now was Kimberly and making sure she was okay. When I asked her if she knew where she was, she told me that she didn't.

“And do you really think that I would tell you if I did?”

I got a little closer and told her if I found out that she had done anything to Kimberly, I was going to make sure that she rotted it in jail, for as long as I could manage.

“And just think of what they would make you wear. I know that's probably the only thing you care about.”

I hung up the phone and had not gotten one little answer from her. Most likely I'd pissed her off even more. I didn't want to think that the woman I thought I knew didn't exist. It was truly starting to look that way though.

* * *

Since I failed so miserablyat getting information that I needed, I had to take a different approach. After not being able to get information from Chelsea, I knew one other person that I could get it from. It was probably the very last person that I wanted to talk to though, to be fair. Tommy was definitely not the person I wanted to have anything to do with.

Sometimes though, people had to do things that they didn't want to do and obviously this was my thing. I tried not to think about it too much. I knew if I thought about it too much, then I would not be able to talk to Tommy. I was just too upset and literally nothing good was going to happen and come from it. I couldn't help it though. If he knew something, anything really, I had to find out what it was. If he knew something about Kimberly and where she was, I had to get that information, no matter how much I didn’t want to do it.

It wasn't the sort of conversation that could be done over the phone. It wasn’t like the conversation that I had had with Chelsea. I couldn't very well intimidate her, though I could remind her of jail time. It was a little different with Tommy. I didn’t know what was going to happen, but I needed to talk to him.

He wasn't so easy to find. He was actually at practice, football practice that I was supposed to be at too, but I hadn't been since the attack. Several people were surprised to see me there, asking what I was doing, and I told them that I would be coming back later. First, I had to talk to Tommy though.

He was easy to spot out of all the rest of the people. He was six and a half feet tall with strawberry-blonde hair. He was tall and gangly and usually had this goofy grin on his face. I already learned that there was more to Tommy than what met the eye. I just hadn't known that there was evil lurking inside of him. Now though, I could see it so clearly like it was written on his face. Should I be worried?

“Hey, Tommy!”

He waved at me and then tried to pretend like he didn't hear me at all, going toward the locker room in the back. It wasn't that far, but he made the journey very quickly. He was practically running, and I wondered where he was going to go. The locker room didn't have an escape route, so he was cornering himself. He must have had a reason. Tommy appeared to be slow, but he wasn’t. I knew better than that.

Something changed, and I heard a locker slam and a click. I knew that click well; I’d been an avid skeet shooter for years. Something was in the air and I stopped short, before I went into the locker room. I had a really bad feeling bubbling up inside of me and that clicking sound of a gun made me even more aware.

Something told me that Tommy wasn't the person to get the information from that I needed. I needed to go to somebody else. Somebody that knew Kimberly, even if I didn't think that they would give me the proper answer. I at least had to try. If I walked into that locker room, something bad was going to happen and I wasn’t prepared for that, not here on campus. Not in a dirty locker room that smelled of sweat. I knew we would see each other again, just not today.

I went back home and told Jeffrey that I needed to find someone. He was well connected, and I figured that he would know just what to do. I hoped so anyway, because I could clearly see that I was flailing.

“Do you want me to bring him to you?”

“No, nothing like that. Just give me a number and an address, and I will take care of the rest.”

He told me that he would get right on it and even though I was still worried about Kimberly, at least I felt like I was on the right track. I thought about Tommy too, wondering, yet knowing what he had gone into the locker room for and what would have happened if I had followed him.

It became painfully clear that I couldn’t let it lie. Kimberly was right. They had to be taken care of legally, or they would continue to harass, and I would continue to look over my shoulder. I couldn’t afford to mess up, get in trouble, and lose my place in professional football. I had to be smart about this and I had to find the girl.