Page 34 of Every Man's Fantasy



Ithrew the phone across the room and ran my fingers through my hair. I had been trying to get ahold of Kimberly for days now, but she wouldn't answer. It wasn't that her phone all of a sudden stopped working, she just didn't want to talk to me. I don't know if I could even blame her, not after everything that had happened and the choices that she had obviously not agreed with.

So, even though I really wasn't ready to go to school, I decided to go to class, just so I could see her. We had one class together and though there had always been some unwritten rules that we couldn't talk while we were there, I didn't really care about the rules anymore. They have done me no good and neither had the reputation I had been so eager to keep. In the grand scheme of things, it didn't mean anything. I think that was what I had learned the most out of all of it. I was trying not to take the other route. I didn't want to think that she would give up on us so quickly, not after the night we had shared together, but at the same time, I couldn't blame her for being mad at me. I don't know if I was ready to get Chelsea arrested, but I was willing to do most anything for Kimberly to forgive me.

When I got to class, everybody made a big deal about me being there, and to be honest, it kind of made me feel weird. The only reason I have been away was because my classmates had attacked me. The same people that were around me now, pretending to be my friend. I couldn't help but look at them and wonder if they truly were.

Then I saw Tommy, and I thought he was going to come up to me and welcome me back, but I must have given him a look, something must've shown through my gentle façade, because he took one look at me and then turned around and walked the other way. I would have almost guessed that he was going quite quickly to talk to Chelsea. I wondered what they were going to say to each other.

The funny thing was that I actually snuck out of the house to go to class. My parents were not okay with me being left alone without a bodyguard, and I certainly wasn't taking him to college.

I’d had to do the same thing that Kimberly did. I had to jump out of the window and do a runner through the yard. For some reason, seeing Tommy, I wasn't sure if all of this was worth it. I didn't want to see all of these people, supposed friends that felt like they knew me. Maybe they cared, but they didn't know me. And the only person who really and truly knew me, more than anyone else and was always rooting for me, wouldn't even talk to me. Obviously, my priorities had been royally screwed up at some point for me to get such an off-kilter result.

I talked to a couple of people before I waved them off and went to class. Usually, Kimberly was one of the first ones in. She had a job at the zoo, a full schedule with soccer, and she was almost always the first one in the class. Now though, she was nowhere to be found and again, alarm filled me. Where was she? I tried to call her phone again and of course, she wasn't answering. I cursed a little louder than I meant to, and I got a couple of strange looks. I'd been out of school for weeks, and now I was coming back and cussing while on my phone. I didn't even want to think about what I looked like to others. The fact that I had cultivated this reputation for so long made it hard for me to care what was thought about me or what was said.

About twenty minutes into the class, it became clear that Kimberly wasn't coming. I waited around the whole time, hoping she would pop in with some kind of apology of where she'd been, but nothing happened. She never showed up and the worry that filled me did not decrease. Instead, it increased dramatically.

I talked with a couple of her friends on the soccer team and they said that she had not been coming to practice either. It was like she had dropped off the face of the planet, and it made me sick inside to think about what had happened. Where would Kimberly go?

Part of me thought that she was just taking off for a while. It was probably a bit overwhelming, everything that was going on. Then again, maybe it was something more sinister. Maybe Chelsea wasn't done and that's why Tommy had taken off like he had. At this point, I really couldn't put anything past them, which was kind of sad because these were both people that I had known for several years now.

I went through the rest of the day, and I talked to as many people that I knew that knew Kimberly. It didn't help that Chelsea had isolated her in such a way that she didn't have too many close friends. Everyone was afraid of Chelsea, even though they didn't know what she was capable of. Just the fact that she would make their lives miserable was enough for most people to stay on her good side. I knew for a fact that being on her bad side could be dangerous. I still didn't even understand how I could have been so wrong about her, but I wasn't the only one who knew how messed up Chelsea was. They just didn't know how much.

I started getting desperate and I did something that I didn't think I would do probably ever again. I called Chelsea. It took some time for me to dial the familiar number.


“Hi, Chelsea.”

“What do you want?”

I sighed and asked her if getting me beat up wasn't good enough for her.

“What are you talking about?”

“You know damn well what I'm talking about. You got me jumped and the cops know about it. They know what you did, you and Tommy and your other little helper. What did you have to do for them to do that? What did you have to give them to get them to attack me?”

I had started the conversation in my head so differently. I was going to be nice to her for one, and then I was going to have her tell me what was going on. The setup played out in my head, but here I was threatening her and pushing her right off the back. Apparently, I wasn’t quite over it yet.

“What are you calling about?”

“I'm calling because I want you to know that I know. The detective is waiting for me to tell him if I should press charges or not. I'm starting to think that maybe I should. You're not even sorry that you did it, are you?”

“Are you sorry that you went out with Kimberly?”

I couldn't believe it. She was not showing any kind of remorse whatsoever. She wasn't feeling bad about it one bit. If anything, she felt justified because I went out with Kimberly.

“I'm sorry that I roped her into any of this shit with you. I'm sorry that I didn't know who you were before I got entangled with you. You were good at helping my reputation, just because they thought that they could share you once I had you. I kept people like Tommy at bay, so why you would sic them on me later, I’ll never know. You know you probably made one of the biggest mistakes of your life, Chelsea, and you can stop it from getting worse. All you have to do is help me.”

“Why, because I don't want to be with you anymore? That’s why you’re mad?”


I laughed at her. She really didn't get it in her own sick mind. It was the first time that I had to consider that Chelsea might not just be evil. She might not be all there either. What other explanation could there be?

“Chelsea, if you really think I want to be with you, you truly are deluded. I don't want to be with you. I probably never wanted to be. You were fine, we had a good time, but we both know that there was a certain part of our relationship that was missing.”