Page 71 of Hateful Union

“No,” Kiro replies, “the cops took a small selection of ours, but not our entire stash. We’ve more than enough to go around. Do you need any? I can have a couple of men meet you with them.”

It’s Christian that answers. “We’re grand, we’ll call you when we’re in position. Make sure that you're ready and waiting.”

The call ends and my anger is beating at me to be let loose.

“Boss,” Christian begins, “I’ve found out what the fuck’s happened with Bryson.”

I grit my teeth, that motherfucker has been playing us from the beginning. “What?”

“He’s no longer an issue,” Christian growls. “But before he met his maker, he informed me that he was paid a hell of a lot of money to give you false information. I’ll give you two guesses as to who paid the prick.”

I glare at him, I’m in no fucking mood to guess. “Ashton Banks.”

Fuck. That prick is so far in this shit that I’m seriously wondering which of those sick cunts were in charge. Ashton or Harry.

No one says anything. The betrayal stings deep. Now there’ll be no trust until it’s earned. The car fills with silence. That tightening is once again pushing at my chest. Fuck. I need her.

“How the fuck did this happen?” Danny growls.

“Not fucking now,” I tell him, once I have her back in my arms I’ll let fucking loose and find out why the hell none of my men were around.

Twenty minutes later, Christian is pulling into a parking lot across the street from where Kiro thinks she could be. “Call him,” I instruct, anxious to get into the building. Christian’s phone connects to the car’s Bluetooth and we all listen as it begins to ring.

“Hey,” Kiro says, “putting you on conference.”

“We’ve got movement,” Da says.

“Fuck,” Christian snarls as I stare at fucking Ashton Banks. The man doesn’t even glance around at his surroundings before moving towards the building. “If what we’ve guessed is true, then we’re at the right place.”

“Shit, fuck.” Jake curses. “It’s empty here. The house is derelict. Not a fucking soul in sight.”

“Same,” Kiro rumbles, “Get in there, Malcolm. Find my sister.”

I don’t need to be fucking told twice. “I’ll call you.” I nod to Christian and he ends the call. “I’m not hanging around,” I say, knowing what my da’s like, he’ll want it to be planned out. Everything precise. Fuck that. Not happening.

Danny, who as much as he’d deny it, is the hot head of the family, smirks. “Fuck yes, no warnings. Go in hot and heavy.”

We all turn to Da who’s scrubbing his hand across his jaw. “Fuck it,” he mutters.

I smirk. “Get the weapons ready. I want every entrance guarded. I don’t give a fuck who you come across, shoot first and ask questions later.”

As one, we all exit the car and I hear movement behind me, my men are ready. It’s time to get this done.

We’re not quiet as we cross to the building, my men spread out, some move to the back of the building, others to the sides, Da and Danny are at my side as the rest of the men gather behind us.

Each and every single one of us have our guns trained and ready. I raise one hand, three fingers in the air.


I take a slow breath, my mind completely clearing.


I’m ready for battle. This being the biggest battle of my life. I’m not fighting for territory or power. I’m fighting for my woman, the love of my life and our unborn child.


I suck in another breath. I will not fail her.