Christian kicks the door in. I don’t have time to watch as it splinters into pieces, three men are on alert on the other side of the door. I don’t even hesitate, my finger pulls at the trigger and the bullet fires from my gun and sinks into the man’s head. Bullseye. The other two go down just as easily, bullets from both Da and Danny hitting their targets.
Gunshots ring out and I know that the rest of my men have infiltrated the building. I step inside and it’s dark, thankfully with the door splintered I’m able to see the men that are reaching for their weapons. My anger grows with each step I take in this godforsaken place. I keep firing my gun, needing to find Raylee and soon.
The darkness. It’s her ultimate fear. This place is no doubt feeding into that fear. I’m worried about her. She panics when she wakes in the darkness, what the fuck is she going to be like being stuck in this fucking place for almost twenty-four hours?
The arseholes that are scattered around this building are easily overpowered. Most of them dead, those that aren’t, will be soon enough. So far there’s no sign of Ashton or Raylee and I have a feeling that when I find one, I’m going to find the other.
I push forwards moving further into the building when I notice a staircase that leads down into a basement. My feet take me there before I can even think. As I descend the stairs, I hear raised voices and I turn behind me and press my finger to my lips telling Da, Danny, and Christian to be silent.
“You’re a fucking cunt, Ashton,” I hear the pained snarl. It’s a voice that I know. One that belongs to Harry Silver. “What do you want?”
I keep moving forwards, the darkness growing with each step I take. Not a fucking slither of light down here.
“I wanted the business, I wanted it all. You thought you were king, but you knew nothing,” Ashton shouts. “I helped build it. I was the one that got the women. You didn’t even want them. You thought it was sick. You soon changed your mind when the money started to roll in.”
“You were my partner, Ash, everything I had, you also had.”
“Except the respect,” Ashton fires back. “Everyone’s scared of the big, bad Harry Silver. The man that’ll take your daughters and slit your throats. Not one motherfucker ever said my name in fear.”
“So what, you kidnap my kids, put the others in prison? For what? The organization is ruined.”
Ashton releases a bitter laugh. “Your organization is ruined. Mine, however, isn’t. While you were so focused on your family, trying to make sure that they stayed away from the trafficking side of the business, I was making moves.”
I hear a sharp intake of breath just as I round the corner. “You fucking bastard. How long have you been in bed with the Henderson’s?”
Aston laughs and I peer into the room, thankfully, I’m able to see as Ashton brought a fucking gas lamp with him. Ashton’s standing with his back to me, his focus on Harry Silver who’s pressed up against the wall, his entire face bloodied and swollen. My gaze moves further around the room, when I notice Bentley on his side, his gaze not on his father or Ashton, but on something above him.
“Fuck me,” Da whispers as my blood runs cold.
“Jesus, Mary, and Joseph,” Christian mutters.
My woman is currently hung from the ceiling, her bare feet at least six inches from the ground, her head bowed and she’s not moving. Her body is so fucking still.
I can’t breathe. I slump into the wall, my legs threatening to buckle beneath me. Red, hot rage consumes me and before I’m able to march into the room, arms clamp around me.
“Deep breath and focus,” Da says quietly. “Listen, Mal, she’s alive. Focus on Bentley. Watch him.”
His words penetrate the fog and I turn my gaze back to the battered Bentley, his eyes focused on his sister. His lips moving and my heart stutters when I see it, movement. Ever so fucking slightly. Raylee’s foot twitches. Bentley notices it too, his entire body seems to deflate before my eyes.
“You had Raylee taken when she was fourteen,” Harry growls. “Why?”
Ashton merely shrugs, “It was nothing personal, she was a means to an end. That’s always been your problem, Harry, you’ve always had a soft spot for the girl.”
“She’s my fucking daughter, you bastard. She was off limits to everyone.” Harry shakes his head in disgust. This is rich coming from him. “That’s why Mayer hated you, why he turned snitch.”
Fuck, they know about that.
“He turned against me after that. He knew it was me who ordered for her to be taken. He knew that I was after the business and he did everything he could to stop me. Even at such a young age, he was always so fucking wise.” Ashton growls. “I showed him.” The fucker cackles. “I knew what he was doing from the get-go.”
“Sienna,” Harry barks. “I saw you fucking her. She wasn’t as young as she pretended to be. She was yours and you sent her to play your son.”
Once again the fucker laughs. “Look who’s finally catching up. Yes, Sienna was mine, had been since she was thirteen. I knew she was loyal to me and she’d do whatever I asked. Once she turned sixteen I set her on Mayer, needing her to get close to him. I no longer trusted him.”
Jesus. That fucking bitch. She led Mayer to his death.
“So why the fuck did you kill her?” Harry questions. “She was your way of getting information from Mayer, why the fuck did you kill her?”