Page 70 of Hateful Union


The doors to the plane open and I don’t even hesitate, I push up from my seat and make my way to the front of the plane. The eleven hour flight was painful. Watching as my family members sat with the ones they loved. Holding and kissing each other. Fuck. I wanted to tell them all to fuck off but I didn’t. Instead, I let the anger fester, building up with each fucking second that passed, waiting until I’m able to unleash it on the bastards that hurt and took the woman that I love.

The Spanish heat hits me as soon as I step foot onto the stairs. I suck in a deep breath and inhale the saltiness of the sea air. God, any other time and I’d be fucking over the moon that I was home, but right now, I can’t think about anything other than Raylee.

Christian steps forward from standing against the car, his stride purposeful as he moves towards me. “Kiro’s found three locations that he thinks could be where they’ve taken Raylee.”

I blink. That pain that’s been sitting on my chest since I found out she’s gone eases somewhat. “How does he know for sure?”

Christian nods to my family, “Kiro saw the footage, he went fucking crazy, then he re-watched it and re-watched it until he was able to see it clearly and that was when he realised that the men were Ashton’s guys.”

“Where is Kiro now?” Da asks, coming to stand beside us.

“He’s awaiting my call, he’s barely holding it together. He thinks it’ll be best if we split up. If he takes one location, Jake another, and you take the third.”

I nod, “I’m down with that, do they need men at their backs?”

“I’ll ask him, the sooner we’re in the cars the sooner we can get to the location…” His eyes flitter between my family members, his lips thinning as he takes in Holly and Melissa. “Having the men splitting up isn’t the best idea, they’re as pissed as we are, they want to be there when you find her.”

I understand what he’s trying to get at, but still. “They’re family.” There’s an edge to my tone. Right now they’ll need to be protected too.

However, Christian doesn’t give a fuck. “Yes, and you’re the fucking boss, Malcolm, which makes Raylee your queen. Not to mention she’s carrying your child. That means something to them.” He shakes his head, anger coursing through his body and storms off towards one of the waiting cars.

“He’s right, Mal,” Da says so that only Danny and I can hear him. “The men are going to be pissed if you sideline them.”

I sigh, not wanting to deal with this fucking shit. “What the fuck am I supposed to do?”

“Romero, you, Dante, Makenna, Holly, and Lissa are to drive to Raylee’s villa. We need to ensure that Holly and Lissa are safe,” Da says and Danny winces when he hears his wife’s sharp intake of breath. If there’s one thing that Melissa doesn’t need is anyone to make her safe. She’d quite as easily gut someone as the rest of us would.

“What Da’s trying to say is… Lis, baby, we need you to make sure that we’re heading to the right place. The rest of you are to protect Holly. We’re not sure what this arsehole is up to and we’d rather be safe than sorry. No more repeats of what happened.”

Both Romero and Dante nod, neither of them want anything to happen to their wives. Makenna and Melissa scowl at us, but we’re not going to bring them with us, firstly, I would never put my sister-in-law in danger, secondly, Makenna’s pregnant and she shouldn’t be going into a situation like this.

“Fine,” Melissa huffs. “I know what you’re doing…” She raises her brow at us. “Just bring her home. I want to meet her.”

I give her a grateful smile and turn on my heel to follow Christian to the SUV. Da and Danny just fall into step behind me, they know how anxious I am.

“Right,” Da says as soon as we’re all inside the vehicle. “Call Kiro,” he instructs Christian. Right now I’m glad he’s here, the way I’m feeling I wouldn’t give a fuck about anything and go in guns blazing. Da’s strategic in his planning, he’s never lost his head. Not once.

“Yeah?” Kiro answers after a few rings. “Is he here?” Fuck, he sounds fucking wrecked. I reckon I was the same when I found out about Holly. I’m probably worse now though. I’ve never felt this deep soul-wrenching fear before. Never loved someone the way I do Raylee.

“I’m here,” I rasp.

“Good.” The relief is evident in his voice. “I’ve ninety men ready to storm the buildings.”

“I’ll have about the same,” I reply, give or take a dozen or so.

“I think we need to do this strategically,” he begins, “I’m making this call a conference call.” Within seconds Jake joins the call. “As I was saying,” Kiro continues. “We do this strategically. A synchronized blitz attack. We hit all the venues hard and fast and at the same time.”

“Making sure there’s no way that Banks can escape,” I surmise.

“Exactly. I’m twenty minutes away from my target. Jake’s fifteen. How far out are you?”

I glance at Christian, “Forty,” he says through clenched teeth, his grip on the steering wheel so tight that his knuckles are white.

My nostrils flare as I glare at him. “Make it twenty-five.” I’m not waiting a minute fucking longer.

“What about weapons?” Da questions, his gaze on the windscreen in front. “Do you need any?”