Page 1 of Hateful Union



The alarm continues to sound as I step into the club. I motion to Christian to turn the racket off. God, my fucking ears are going to bleed.

Christian moves through the club as I take everything in. It’s five fucking am and I’m back here. I do a sweeping glance, trying to figure out what’s caused the alarm to sound. But everything is as it should be.

The beeping stops and I breathe in relief, thank fuck. “Boss, all clear here,” Christian shouts out, his footsteps heavy against the tiled floor.

I make my way toward the back where my office is. We’ve had this club open for years and never had a problem. I find it funny that when I delve into the shit that the Silver family is into, I have to come to my club because the alarm has sounded, with obvious signs of forced entry.

Chris tenses beside me, his hand sliding behind his suit jacket to where his gun is currently holstered.

The door to my office is ajar, a light shining dimly inside. Chris uses his foot and pushes it open fully.

We do a sweep and see that it’s empty. Not a fucking soul in sight. “What the hell?” I grunt, wondering what the fucking point in breaking in was? There’s no money on sight, nothing for anyone to steal.

It’s at that moment that I realize there’s someone sitting in the chair at my desk. The back of the seat facing us, obscuring the view. I move forward. Chris is tense beside me, his gun trained on whoever the fuck it is.

I spin the chair to face me and I swallow hard at the sight.

“Christ.” The sound is guttural. I feel it rattling in my chest.

“Fuck, Sienna.” Chris’s whisper is tortured.

I stare at the woman that I had been seeing for the past few months. God fucking help me. The rage is like a fucking freight train as it hits me. Almost knocking me to my knees.

“Boss,” Chris begins, but cannot say anything else as I slice him with a glare.

I can’t fucking do this right now. Guilt is eating away at me. Fuck. This is my fault.

She warned me what would happen if she had to go back to those bastards. She had nowhere else to go. But I didn’t listen. I ended things with her and now look at her.

Beaten to a pulp. Not an inch of her naked body that isn’t covered in a bruise or cut.

I know instantly by the bruising around her thighs that she’s been raped.

Bile rises in my throat. Never. Not fucking ever, would I ever hurt a woman. Seeing this makes me feel sick. I want to find the bastards that did this to her and make them wish they were never born.

“Mal,” Chris’s voice is softer, the anger still wrapped around each word, but he’s beating it back. The same can’t be said about me. “What do you want me to do? Call the men? Cops?”

I stare at Sienna. I didn’t love her, hell by the end of our relationship, I hated her. But she didn’t deserve this. No one fucking deserves this.

Those fuckers did this because I had her. I’m the reason that they violated this poor woman.

Her last moments on this earth were brutal.

I’m going to make sure that the fuckers who did this suffer as much or more than she did.

Harry Silver is going to wish he never heard of me. By the time I’m finished with him, he’s going to regret everything he did to Sienna.


“What’s going on, Ray-Ray?”Mayer asks as he sits down beside me, a cigarette hanging from his lips. “Why so glum?”

I shrug. “I’m fine,” I tell him.

We both know I’m lying. I’m far from okay. I hate this life that I’m living, the way that my family is always so close to the violence and chaos. I know this is who they are, who they’re born to be. But I hate it. The constant worry, wondering who’s going to be locked up, or thinking that a phone call from an unknown number is going to be the phone call telling me that someone I love is dead.