“You’re a terrible liar, Ray,” he tells me with his cocky grin.
Mayer Banks has been my best friend since I was a little girl. My biggest protector, and my ultimate hero. I’d do anything to see him smile again, one that reaches his eyes and lights them up. But he too has been jaded by this life. Him more than anyone I know.
Mayer fights his demons every day of the week. I’m proud of the man he’s become, knowing how hard it is for him to fight to be what society considers normal. I say screw it. He’s perfect the way he is.
That’s the best thing about having a best friend. You don’t have to pretend to be anything but who you truly are.
“I’m really not, only you know me too well.”
He nods, satisfied with my answer. “That I do, that I do. So tell me, who’s pissed you off and do you want me to kill them?”
I wish I could say that he was joking, but I know better. If I said yes, he wouldn’t even hesitate. Mayer Banks is a cold-blooded killer. I hate my dad for making him that way.
“Javi,” I whisper.
He tenses, his shoulders pressed against mine. “What’s that fucker done now?”
“We broke up,” I tell him. Hating that I can never find someone who wants me for who I am, not who my family is.
“You’re better than him, Ray-Ray, so much fucking better. You deserve to be cherished,” he whispers, taking yet another drag from his cigarette.
“Why can’t I find someone to love me for me?” I ask, tears forming in my eyes and I will them not to fall. I don’t want to add to Mayer’s fury.
He pulls me into his body, his arm slinging around my shoulders. “You will,” he promises me. “If anyone deserves happiness, it’s you, Raylee.”
I close my eyes as I lean against him. “I want us all to be happy, May, all of us.”
His lips touch my hair. “Some of us don’t deserve to be happy. Those of us who have done the worst crimes, we don’t get to have that.”
I swallow back the lump in my throat. “You do,” I whisper, the tears unable to stay away.
“No, I don’t, but, Ray, being around you and Gabby,” he shakes his head, “it gives me peace. Something I honestly get little of. Being around you is like breathing fresh air. Pure and perfect. I don’t taint you, you accept me no matter what. I’ll always love you both for that.”
He has to stop. God, he kills me when he talks like this. He’s more than worthy.
“One day, Mayer, you’re going to find someone who’ll make you feel as though you’re their everything. That everything that you’ve done is for a reason and lead you to them. But no matter what, they’ll always love you. Their love is what’s going to heal your broken heart.”
“You dream that for me, Ray, it’ll be a waste of a dream.”
Fuck. He completely breaks me.
“I’ll always dream for you, May, always. I’ll never stop. Just because you’ve done bad things, it doesn’t make you evil. You’re far from it.” I know that from the bottom of my soul. I’ve met evil and Mayer is nothing like them.
“Whatever you say, Ray-Ray. Whatever you say.” He’s blowing me off now, and I let him be. “But Javi, he never deserved you. You’ll find someone who won’t give a fuck who your father or brothers are and when you do, you’ll know he’s the one.”
“I hope you're right, May, I really do.” I’ll never stop hoping that I find someone who’ll love me and everything about me.
“Don’t you know, I’m always right.”
I laugh, he’s deluded as well.
His phone rings and I tense. It’s time for him to go. I hate this. I get the old Mayer for a brief moment of time, and then he’s ripped from me.
He kisses my hair once again. “I’ve got to go, Ray. I’ll see you soon.”
I nod as he gets to his feet. “Be safe, Mayer,” I whisper, but he’s already switched off. The man that I think of as my brother is gone, and the darkness is seeping back into him.
I pray that one day he’ll escape this life and find peace.