I’m hoping that my brothers have no idea. Am I naïve? Probably, yes. Stupid, definitely. I have to hope that my brothers know better, that they can see what my dad truly is. I just hope that when the truth comes out I'll be not bringing them down. But I'll have to, if they are. I have no other choice.
She keeps glancing at me and I have a sickening feeling that she's going to want to talk about Malcolm. That's something I don't want to talk about. I didn't want to discuss him at all.
I have no idea what's going on. Hell, I don't even know where he is. He played me. He got exactly what he wanted. I was stupid, I thought I could handle it. Instead, I got burned by him. I fell for him. I'm all for giving up and just forgetting he ever existed. But Gabby, she's under the impression that we're meant to be. That Malcolm and I have this special connection that can't be ignored. But it doesn’t matter. Malcolm got what he wanted. He fucked me and then left. Okay, technically I left, but he’s not contacted me since.
Right now, I have no energy in me for him. I can’t deal with bringing my dad down and Malcolm. So for now, I'm happy to pretend that Malcolm does not exist. For me, it works perfectly. I just hope that he does the right thing and stays away. Because if he comes back. I'm not sure if I can save my heart again.
Iwatch with rapt attention as she moves swiftly through the crowd. It’s been three weeks since I last saw her and fuck I forgot just how beautiful she is. Her arse swaying with each step she takes, her head held high as she moves effortlessly between the throngs of people. Her steps are purposeful and quick. She’s moving fast and Isaiah’s struggling to keep up. When she darts to the left, I know instantly that she’s lost him.
It takes less than a minute before my phone starts to ring. “Boss,” Isaiah begins and I shake my head. Fucking useless. “I’ve lost her.”
I end the call and listen to Christian chuckle beside me. “How the fuck did he miss her darting off to the left?”
I have no fucking idea. “Let’s go,” I instruct and he starts the engine. I keep my gaze towards the road, watching and waiting. “There,” I tell him as the sports car drives past the market. “That’s Gabriella’s car.”
“Fucking hell, she’s smart as hell,” Christian comments.
He’s right, she is, she’s able to lose her tail quicker than some of the most dangerous criminals. But I’m betting on the fact that she’ll think she’s free, not realising that she’s got another tail right now.
Christian stays back, two car lengths at a time. Giving us enough distance as not to spook her, but also so we don’t lose her.
“Where the fuck is she going?” he mutters as he continues to drive, she’s driving out of the city and towards the middle of nowhere. Spain has vast motorways, they take you into the deep countryside and right now, that’s where Raylee’s heading.
I frown when she pulls off into a service station, almost forty minutes after she took off. She pulls into the back of the parking lot.
“Fucking hell,” Christian gripes as she steps out of the car and walks towards the side of the service station. “Who the fuck is that?”
“Get as close as you can,” I tell him as I hit Clint’s number on my phone. He and Sam have been following Christian and I since we left the market. “Follow that arsehole. I want to know everything about him,” I say in lieu of hello.
“On it, boss,” Clint replies without hesitation.
I end the call just as Raylee hands the fucker something and the prick grins wide, they exchange a few words and something about what the fucker said to her has me concerned, her back is ramrod straight and her fists are clenched at her side. He doesn’t seem to notice as he turns and leaves. Raylee waits until the man is out of sight before making her way back to the car.
“I want to know who that prick is,” I snarl as Christian follows Raylee out of the parking lot. “What the hell is she playing at?”
I’m so fucking confused, why drive all the way out here to meet some guy? It doesn’t make sense. Yet again, I’m missing something.
“Want me to keep following her?” Christian asks me and I just glare at him. Is he for real? “Just checking. So, have you decided what you want to do about her?”
I clench my jaw. No I haven’t. I thought being away from her would have gotten her off my mind, but it didn’t, instead, she’s part of my every fucking thought. I’m constantly wondering if she’s okay and if she’s safe. I had planned to stay the hell away when I returned from New York, but that all went to shit when she kept evading my men. Now, after seeing her again, I know that it’s going to be impossible to stay away.
We continue to follow her staying at least two car lengths behind her. This time, the girls are moving in the direction of the sea. I hate the unknown and there’s so much about Raylee that I don’t know.
“What are you going to do about her?” Christian asks me again, breaking through the quietness of the car journey.
“She’s mine.” That’s all anyone needs to know. Raylee Silver is mine and I don’t give a fuck about who her family is.
He smiles broadly. “About fucking time. You’re falling hard and fast for that woman and she’s exactly what you need; she doesn’t fear you and has no problem standing up to you.”
I grin, that’s exactly what I fucking love about her. No fear and she gives as good as she gets. She’s fucking phenomenal and when I fucked her, she lit up like a fucking firework.
The girls travel out of Seville and towards Malaga. The motorways on a Sunday are quiet, so there’s not a lot of traffic on the roads.
We’re almost two hours into the journey when my cell rings and I glance at the screen and see that it’s Clint. “Boss,” he says as soon as I answer it. His voice is tight and I brace. “You’re not going to like this. That guy that Raylee was with, he’s a fucking cop. Get this, he’s the liaison between the Spanish cops and fucking Interpol.”