Page 37 of Hateful Union

A red haze forms over my vision and I pinch the bridge of my nose. “What?” I hiss.

“Yeah,” he mutters, “so I spoke to one of our guys in the force and he’s informed me that Raylee Silver is their CI, she’s integral in bringing the Silver family down. And get this,” I can hear the pride in his voice, “she’s got enough evidence to put her old man away for a fucking long time. Dates, places, and fucking transactions. She’s got him fucked over a barrel and your woman has no qualms about bringing him down.” Yep, definitely pride. “But I’m not sure if she’s really thought this through, she’s got no backup and she’s going against the dirtiest bastards that have graced this earth in a long fucking time. They find out what she’s doing, she’ll be their number one target.”

My gut churns at the mere thought of her being in harm's way. To find out that she’s actually put herself in that position pisses me off. She shouldn’t be doing this. Fuck, going against family is hard, it’s against our natural instincts. It’s not just any normal family she’s doing it to either, it’s the fucking Silvers. If one of my family members went against us, they’d be put to death, immediately. And have done so in the past. No second chances, no questions. Instant death. The Silvers are a different breed, they’re animals and I have no idea what the fuck they’ll do when they find out what she’s done.

“I want men on her at all times. No games. Anyone who loses her, loses their lives.” I do not give a fuck. They let her dodge them, they’re done. “I want at least four men on her at all times.”

Christian’s back goes straight as he listens to my words.

“On it, boss, are you still on her?” Clint questions.

“Yes, Christian and I will be with her this evening, once we’re at the destination, Christian will let you know where to send the other men. I want two more men guarding the perimeter.”

“Of course. I’ll join you and I’ll bring Isaiah with me.”

I grit my teeth, that motherfucker lost her this morning.

“He’s pissed boss, and wanting to make amends,” Clint tells me, obviously sensing my mood.

“Fine, one more mistake and he’s done.” I end the call and throw the fucking cell onto the dashboard.

I give Christian the low-down on what’s happened. He releases a low whistle when I’m finished. “Bold as brass that one,” he comments with a fucking grin.

“Nothing amusing about this situation,” I snap. “She’s putting herself in the fucking firing line.”

He shakes his head. “You’re gone, boss, fucking gone.”

I glare at the arsehole, “What the fuck does that mean?”

“You’re in love with her. The sooner you realise it, accept it, the sooner you can move on to getting her to love you back.”

I scoff. “You really think she’ll love me? I killed her best friend.”

He shrugs. “Won’t know unless you try. Look at it this way, you either get her to forgive you and you both sort your shit out, or you live with the knowledge that she’s gonna be happy with some other guy.”

My hands ball into fists as yet again a red haze crosses my vision. Fuck that. She’s mine.

“Yeah,” Christian says smugly. “So fix your shit and then grovel.”

“Piss off,” I snarl at him. God, he’s a fucking prick. He’s enjoying this entirely too much.

It’s another hour before the girls finally reach their destination. Almost three hours from their actual homes, the girls pull into a villa that’s located in the town of Salobreña in Granada. As soon as they’ve parked, both Raylee and Gabby are out of the car and moving towards the villa’s door, before letting themselves in.

“Call Clint, let him know where we are. I want them here as soon as possible,” I demand, my hand at the handle to open the car door.

“On it, boss, you sure you only want two more? I’d recommend having four men including you and I on her at all times. That includes now,” Christian replies as he takes out his cell phone, ready to do as I ask.

“I like your take on it better. You’re in charge of her security from now on,” I tell him knowing that he’ll do whatever he can to ensure her safety. “No one gets close to her, Chris, no fucking one.”

He nods. “On it, boss, no one is going to get near your woman and if they even think about it, they’ll have to deal with the Gallagher’s wrath. No one is that fucking stupid.”

And if they are, they’ll pay the consequences.

“Go to your woman, make sure she’s okay. Get the low-down of what’s going on and then proceed in making her forgive you.”

I shake my head as I push the door open, “Jesus, you’re like a regular agony aunt.”

The fucker just chuckles at me.