“That you’re not my biological son. I don’t give a fuck about DNA, you’re mine, as is Chloe, Mary, and now Gareth. That ain’t ever going to change.” His tone clipped, I can’t blame him, if I found out that the kids I brought up weren’t my own, I’d lose my fucking mind.
“I don’t give a fuck who my sperm donor is,” I tell him truthfully. “Ma’s pissed and she’s playing with us all. Why?”
He sighs as he takes a seat. “I found someone.”
I smile, well about fucking time.
“Your ma senses that and feels as though she’s losing what she has so she’s getting her ducks in a row.” He clenches his fists and rests them under his chin as he leans forwards in the chair. “She’s up to something and I need to nip that shit in the bud before it’s too late.”
I take the seat opposite him. “What’s she got on you, Da?”
He sighs, “Evidence that’ll put one of you away for a fucking long time. I won’t allow it.”
“Then we need to find it.” He nods, “It’s time to start playing as dirty as she is. The sooner we find the evidence, the quicker she’s out of our lives.”
His jaw clenches. “She’s a fucking cunt,” he grunts. “God fucking forgive me, that’s the mother of my children. But damn, she’s fucked up.”
I couldn’t agree more. Ma’s made her bed, it’s time for her to lie in it.
“Now, tell me what’s going on,” he instructs.
So I do, I lay it all out for him. Everything that’s happened with the Silvers including with Raylee.
“Jesus,” he spits. “I didn’t raise you to be a fucking arshole, Mal.”
I blink at the venom in his voice.
“This girl, has just lost someone close to her and you’re treating her like a fucking piece of shit. Now, do you want this girl?”
I hesitate, it’s a question that I’ve been asking myself constantly since I met her.
He rolls his eyes, “You and Danny are the fucking same, neither of you can make up your damn mind until it’s too late. You want her, so what’s stopping you?”
“She’s a Silver.”
“And? Melissa’s a Harding, do you hold it against her?” He shakes his head in disgust. “No, you fucking idiot. You need to get your head out of your arse when it comes to this woman. I know the shit with Sienna fucked you up, you didn’t even like her that much. But, Raylee…” He gives me a soft smile. “She’s different, the way you talk about her is different.”
I scrub my hands over my face. “What do I do?”
I’m out of my fucking depth. I’ve never felt this before. I’m usually in control and focused, but Raylee has me fucked up.
“You figure it out. You need to decide if you want her or not. If you don’t, let her go.”
I bristle at that thought. Damn it.
Da laughs, “I can’t wait to meet her. Any woman that’s got you tied up in knots has my full approval.”
I flip him the bird, “What about your woman? When are we going to meet her?”
“Callie’s sweet. Your ma’s brand of craziness will have her running for the hills. That’s not happening.”
Oh shit, he’s in love with her.
“So what does Callie think of the situation?” It can’t be easy being with a married man.
His silence lingers and I’m actually fucking shocked. “You haven’t told her?”
“No, she’s not ready for it.” He gets to his feet. “What you found out,” he says, “it stays between us.”