He’s talking about him not being my biological father.
“Not sure how easy that’s going to be, Jerry Houlihan wants to get to know me. Apparently you weren’t the only one left in the dark.”
His jaw clenches, “You leave Jer to me.” He stalks towards the door, pissed off and angry, just as I am. “I’ll see you tomorrow. Don’t worry about your ma, Mal, she’ll get what’s coming to her.”
Damn, Ma’s in for a world of hurt and I couldn’t give a shit about it. She’s going to get what she deserves.
I reach for my phone and send Danny a text, informing him of what Ma has on Da. We need to find that evidence and get rid of it as soon as possible.
It’s not even a minute later that my brother responds.
Danny Boy: On it, we’ll find it. That bitch is going down.
The sooner the bloody better.
Three weeks later
Idon’t look behind me as I hurry through the crowd, Sundays are always the best day to lose the arsehole that’s following me. Whenever I leave the house, they're there, waiting. As soon as I begin my journey, they’re following. At first, I thought it was the arseholes who Dad thinks is after me, but I soon realised they’re Malcolm’s men.
It’s been three weeks since I’ve seen him. I’m not really sure how I feel about it. Some days I’m ecstatic, glad that he’s finally given up and is leaving me alone and then there’s other days, like today, where I’m angry and hurt that he fucked me and then hasn’t bothered with me since. As much as I’d like answers, I’m not that girl. I will not throw myself at a man that doesn’t want me. Not to mention that I’m not sure what I’d actually do if I see him. I’m that hurt and angry, I could hurt him.
“Pssst…” I hear hissed at me and I smirk. Gabby is so not stealthy at all.
I quickly sidle up beside her, and we wait until the man that had been tailing me walks through the crowd straight past us. God, it’s so easy to lose them.
“So,” she begins as she links her arm through mine and we begin to walk towards her car. “Dad called last night with some news.”
Her father is the only one that knows what we’re doing. He wasn’t happy when he first learned it, but both Gabby and I talked at length with him and he finally agreed that our way works best. Currently, we’re working with the Spanish police as well as Interpol. Seems Daddy Dearest’s trafficking and prostitution rings run throughout Europe. So to end his tyranny, I’ve become their confidential informant.
It pains me to have to do this, but I had no choice. What he’s doing is wrong on so many different levels that I can’t even deal with. So, I’m doing the only thing I can. Bringing him down.
“What did your dad say?” I ask once we’re in the car, I’m in the driver’s side and Gab’s in the passenger’s. She prefers it when I drive, probably because I’m a bad passenger and always wince whenever she’s driving us anywhere.
“He told me your dad has a stable of nearly a hundred and fifty women in Spain alone. He said you could triple that for the UK.”
I close my eyes at her words. Fuck. What the hell is wrong with that man? Why would you do that to women? I shake my head and start the car.
“Dad’s also made it clear that not one woman in his stables anywhere in the world is there willingly,” Gabby whispers, her voice filled with compassion. She knows how much this is affecting me.
Pain lances through me at her words. Damn it, every time I hear more about the man that is my father, the more I hate him.
“Want some really good news?” she asks, her lips tilting at the sides.
“Sock it to me,” I tell her as I pull out of the parking lot and drive towards the beach.
I’m hoping that the good news that she has will cheer me the hell up. The past three weeks have been absolute misery. Losing Mayer has affected me more than I have let on. It’s affected Gabby and I a hell of a lot, we’ve lost a part of us, something we’re never going to get back. Then there’s the shit with Malcolm, something I’ve been unable to wrap my head around. I have no idea the game he’s playing, all I know is that I lost. Spectacularly.
“As you know, Dad’s been making sure that we’re safe while we look into this shit, what he didn’t tell us is that his men are working on it too. And they’ve found a whole bunch of evidence. I have it on a thumb drive,” she whispers, a bright smile on her face. “Ray, there’re addresses, documents, and shipments. It could be what we need to bring that organization down.” She reaches into her pocket and pulls out a black thumb drive.
Fuck. That’s huge.
I finally let myself smile, “Here’s hoping. Ramirez has already told me he wants to meet today, so this is great timing.”
“What does he want to meet about?” she questions as she nibbles on her lip.