Kinsley gasps and I turn to face her, Dante’s hand goes to my waist and goosebumps break out over my body. “You’re not supposed to see her in her dress before the wedding.”
I laugh, “Kins.”
She shakes her head. “Kenna,” her lips twitching, “it’s bad luck.”
I roll my eyes, “That’s our middle name.”
She laughs and to my utter surprise, walks over to Dante and hugs him. It’s awkward as he’s got his arm on my waist but that doesn’t bother Kinsley. “Take care of her.” I hear her whisper and Dante’s hand on my waist tightens.
Finn clears his throat, “Hate to break this up, but everyone’s waiting on us.”
Kinsley pulls away from us and gives me a smile. “You ready for this?”
I shrug, “Sure, as long as there’s vodka, I’m good.”
She laughs and I’m glad, it’s better than hearing her cry. “Why is it that Irish people drink as much as they want and it’s normal?”
I smirk as I move out of Dante’s hold, “You mean, when you do it, you’re labelled an alcoholic?” She narrows her eyes, “It’s because we can handle our liquor. You, well Kins, you get on top of a bar and start stripping.”
I hear Finn’s chuckle and I turn to see him. “That was once!” She gasps in mock outrage, “Better than stealing a cop car and spending the night in jail.”
It’s my turn to laugh, “You spent the night in jail with me, or did you forget?”
Pain slashes through her face and I feel like an ass. She quickly recovers and snorts, “Hardly. Besides, it was a good night.” She slaps my ass and I narrow my eyes at her. “Your tramp stamp is something I’ll never forget.”
“It’s not a tramp stamp when it’s on my ass, Kins.”
“Who the fuck tattooed your ass?”
“What the fuck?”
Dante and Finn say in unison.
Kinsley laughs and I glare at her. “Fuck, will you both calm the hell down.”
“No, I want to know what fucking asshole put his hands on you and tattooed your ass,” Finn demands and Kinsley’s eyes widen, he’s not as aggressive around Kinsley as he is now.
“Because I’m going to kill him,” Dante snarls.
I can’t contain the burst of laughter that escapes me.
“Makenna, this isn’t funny,” Finn growls.
“What’s not funny?” Da asks as he strolls into the room, Patrick and Cian hot on his heels.
“Makenna let some asshole tattoo her ass.”
“What the fuck?” Patrick snaps and I resist the urge to roll my eyes.
“Shit,” Kinsley whispers.
“You all need to calm the hell down.” I tell them glaring at them all, Da however is standing in the doorway with a smile on his face.
“Tell us, Kenna,” Cian pleads with me.
“Makenna’s right, you all need to calm down. What the hell did I raise? A pack of wild animals?”