“Oh, Kins, of course I will. Me and you, we’re not changing.” If Dante thinks he can forbid me from seeing her, he’s sorely mistaken.
She gasps for air and I lead her to the sofa; I should have realized she was worried. For Kinsley and I, we’re practically sisters. Even when I went to live with Killian, Kinsley was there, always at my side. Hell she even came to Ireland to stay with me during the summers. If Dante doesn’t allow Kinsley and I to be friends, I’ll run away. For Kinsley, it would be her worst nightmare. For me, it would be the ultimate heartbreak, I’d be giving up everything I love, for her.
“It’s going to be okay, Kinsley.”
She shakes her head unable to breathe. Shit.
There’s a knock at the door and I quickly open it knowing I need to help Kins. I see Finn standing there with a huge smile on his face. “Finn,” I whisper and his smile drops, he peers past me to see Kinsley in the midst of a panic attack. “I need your help.”
He looks at me, his eyes soft. “What do you need?”
I take a deep breath, “I need you to get Dante to come here.” He opens his mouth to protest but I stop him. “Please, Finn.”
He nods once and turns, I close the door and go back to Kinsley; her face is red and her eyes glassy as she tries to suck in air but she’s panicking too much.
I kneel down beside her, pulling her head to mine so that our foreheads are touching. “Kins, please,” I say softly, hoping that she’ll hear me. I need to try and get through to her. “You’re meant to be the strong one. You’re the one that keeps us together remember?” I bite my lip hoping to stop the onslaught of tears that’s threatening to spill over. “Kinsley, you are the strongest woman I know. You are my sister.”
“I’m…” she sucks in a deep breath, “scared.”
I nod, my thumbs caressing her cheeks. “I know, but don’t be.”
I close my eyes, the pain I feel right now is unlike anything I’ve ever experienced. “Kins, you’re not going to lose me.”
My hands on her face tighten. “You won’t.”
“You—almost—died—they—nearly—killed—you.” Her breathing is hard, every breath she takes sounds painful.
“Kinsley, I survived that shit. We’re here. Together, we’ve overcome so fucking much. We’re fine.”
“You—don’t—know—that. He—may—forbid—us—seeing—each—other.”
I let out a small laugh, “You make us sound like lovers.”
“You’re—my—sister—Kenna—my—protector. I—need—you—please—don’t—go. Please—don’t—let—him—break—us.” She’s crying now, and it’s adding to the panic.
I suck in a sharp breath, what am I supposed to say to that? She’s right, if we’re not allowed to be there for each other, it will break us.
“I won’t.” A deep voice breaks through mine and Kinsley’s moment. I turn and see Dante, Romero, Alessio, and Finn standing in the room. All of their eyes on us, Dante’s on me, his expression hard. Romero and Alessio’s gazes bounce between Kinsley and me, whereas Finn is having a hard time keeping his emotions in check.
“You won’t?” I ask in disbelief as I stand and position myself in front of Kinsley.
He stalks toward me, “I won’t keep you and Kinsley away from each other. When you’re at the clubhouse, you’ll have three guards.”
I hear Kinsley slowly start to regain her composure, her breathing doesn’t sound as painful as it had.
I step closer to Dante, we’re almost touching. “Just like that?”
His eyes scan my face, almost if he’s searching for something. “Not just like that. Today we marry, then tomorrow, you and I talk.”
I bite my lip, I should have known that he’d have stipulations.
He lowers his head, our lips almost touching. “You’re going to tell me what happened, Makenna. I can’t help you if you don’t.” His voice is gentler than I’ve heard before but it still has a bite to it.
“No one can help me,” I confess and watch as his eyes darken. “But, thank you anyway,” I say and his features soften.