Page 62 of Forever Love

"You weren't even present at your child's birth, how the hell do you know that?" Hudson asks in disgust.

It's Sarah's turn to laugh, "I'm obsessed with One Born Every Minute. I've made Jagger watch them with me. He seems to think that just because he's watched them it's made him some sort of expert. Ignore him."

"So it's not true? You don't forget about the pain?" I ask, everything I've read or heard says that you do forget.

She turns to face me, glaring at Jagger as she does. "Oh that's true, you do. Within seconds of Allie being born I couldn't remember how bad the pain was. Watching you have your contraction brought it all back. I don't envy you right now." She’s got a big smirk on her face.

"You're not helping," I say through clenched teeth as once again I'm hit with a contraction.

"Mia, we're almost here. Keep breathing." Hudson whispers as he rubs my back trying to sooth me. "Less than five minutes. You're doing amazing."

I lean my head against him once the pain goes. "God, why do women do this to themselves more than once?" I've not even had the worst part yet and I'm already swearing off having anymore.

"Fuck if I know," Hudson mutters.

"Sex," Sarah says simply, "If the sex is out of this world, you're bound to get pregnant. It's like laws of physics or something."

Hudson laughs, "No it isn't."

She shrugs, "Well it should be. You get a world shattering orgasm, then boom you're knocked up."

"World shattering?" Jagger smirks.

"Oh I never said I had one. I just said if you had one then you should be. There's a difference."

I bite my lip so that the laughter doesn't bubble up. Hudson however doesn't hide it. He chuckles making Sarah smile wider.

"Did you get a world shattering orgasm?" Hudson whispers to me as Jagger pulls into the Hospital grounds.

"Each and every time we have sex." I tell him honestly.

"Oh jeez, why did you tell him that? It's going to go to his head. That's something we don't need." Jagger quips.

"Jealous because I know how to please my woman?" Hudson fires back.

"Okay enough, we're here." Sarah says as Jagger pulls up outside the hospital entrance.

"You can't park there," someone shouts.

Hudson's head spins to glare at whoever said it. "My wife's in labor, where the hell would you like me to go?" His voice hard.

"Oh, um, I'm sorry Mr Brady." The man stutters.

Hudson ignores him. "Jagger, I'm taking the girls with me, you park the car and come back and find us after."

Sarah looks relieved. "Thank you," she says to Hudson.

"She wants you here, I need you here. You keep her calm, I on the other hand will lose my damn mind if she's in pain and can't push through it," Hudson replies and I smile, it's true, he'll probably threaten to kill someone if they don't help me.

They help me into the hospital and up to the maternity ward. Just as we reach the midwife my contraction hits.

"Breathe, Mia." Sarah instructs. "She's having contractions every six minutes now, her water has broken, and she's only thirty seven weeks. The baby hasn't moved this morning," Sarah informs the midwife. "In and out Mia." She tells me and once again, I'm able to push through it.

"Okay Mia, we're going to bring you into the room and see how much you've advanced." I nod, my hand gripping Hudson's tightly, it's all so real now.

Once I'm into the labor suite I'm dressed in a hospital gown and the midwife is checking to see how far I'm dilated. She makes a humming noise in the back of her throat and instantly I'm on edge, that's not a good sound to make. "Mrs Brady, you're only two centimeters dilated. I'm going to call the doctor to have a look at you." She reassures me but there's something about the way she's unable to meet my eyes that makes me scared.

"What does that mean?" Hudson asks once the midwife is gone.