Page 63 of Forever Love

"She needs to be ten centimeters for the baby to come." Sarah tells him and Hudson pales. "Don't panic, she'll be ten centimetres before you even know it."

That doesn't placate him, he begins to pace the room.

The doctor comes in and immediately walks over to me. "Hello Mrs Brady, I'm Doctor Nola, I'm the OBGYN here. How are you feeling?"

"Like I've got a baby ready to explode out of me," I quip.

Doctor Nola laughs, "It'll be over soon. I just need to do a quick check and see where we go from there, okay?"

I nod, that uneasy feeling returning in full force. Something is wrong, but they're not saying what.

"Okay Mrs Brady, your son's heart rate is quite low and as you're only two centimeters dilated, we're going to have do an emergency caesarean."

My mouth instantly dries. "Is he going to be okay?"

The doctor immediately nods, "The quicker we can get him out, the better."

"Okay, can my husband come with us?" The nurse begins putting a cannula into my arm and someone else enters the room.

"Mrs Brady, your husband is encouraged to come along with you. To be present when your son is being born. We're going to give you an epidural and get the OR prepped."

I'm listening to what he's explaining to me, everything that's going to happen but I can't focus. My mind is in overdrive as I watch what's happening around me.

Within ten minutes I'm lying on an operating table, my lower body numb from the epidural and Hudson standing beside me.

"Mr and Mrs Brady, are you ready to meet your son?" Doctor Nola asks and we both nod.

I glance at Hudson, trying to think of anything but what's happening down below. Hudson's eyes are the most expressive I've ever seen. But when they widen and shine brightly I know that he's seen our son.

A cry rings through the room and my breath catches, God, he's okay. If they cry that is a good thing. Isn't it?

"Congratulations, Mrs and Mr Brady, your son is doing well," Doctor Nola says as the nurse places our baby onto my chest. "He's going to need some oxygen, but he's otherwise fine."

Tears pool in my eyes as I stare at my boy. "Thank you." I whisper to Hudson, so grateful to have him in my life, for giving me this miracle.

"Thank you Princess, you have given me the greatest gifts in life. You and our son." A tear falls down his face and he doesn't even wipe it away as he stares at our boy. "Okay Princess, what's his name?"

I smile, "David Aaron Barney Brady." Jagger's going to be his Godfather so I know that he won't be upset that he's not named after him.

Hudson nods immediately. "It's perfect," he comments before placing a kiss on my head.

I feel so content holding David in my arms as Hudson places a kiss on our son's cheek. I can’t wait to show him off to the world.

"How is she?" The question rouses me from my sleep.

"She's a fucking trouper," Hudson replies.

Opening my eyes I see that I'm surrounded by our nearest and dearest. Sarah, Jagger, Harrison, Marline, David, Aaron, Rory, Cormac, Coby, Ronald, and Dylan. "Hey," I croak.

Hudson turns to me. "You should be asleep."

I shake my head. "I'm fine. Is he still asleep?"

"Yeah, he's been stirring for the past ten minutes so he'll probably wake soon." And as if on cue the baby starts crying.

"Here Mia, I have the bottle ready," Sarah says, passing me the bottle and a burp cloth as Hudson gingerly reaches for baby David and passes him to me.

The feel of this beautiful miracle in my arms is the best thing in the world, I never thought I could be this happy.