Page 37 of Forever Love

He laughs. “Yeah, since Mia came into your life you’ve not been such an asshole.”

“Shut up old man, what’s happening with you and mom?” Yesterday at the wedding they seemed to be getting along really well which is a huge fucking relief, I’m sick of their arguing.

“Your mom no longer wants to gut me while I sleep. She’s got a new man and I’m happy for her.” He smiles, it’s a genuine one. “I have no idea who the man is, but he treats her wrong then he’ll have the both of us to deal with.”

I nod. “That he will. So how are you holding up?”

“I’m fine.”

“Bullshit,” I fire back, Mia told me about the conversation that he and Tina had the night before she died. He never mentioned anything to me about it, so I know that he’s hurt even more about her dying. I thought it was over between them and now I find out that they had reconciled only for her to die the next day.

“Look son, there’s nothing I can do about it. She’s gone, I’m going to protect her daughter and our grandchild,” he tells me, and I realize that’s what is keeping him going.

A knock on my office door has both dad and I looking up. “Yeah?”

“Sorry I’m late.” Coby’s deep voice calls out, and the door opens. “Traffic is a fucking nightmare.”

“Damn, you’ve been hitting those weights a bit hard,” Dad says as he looks at the six-foot-five Coby, the man has bigger muscles than The Rock.

Coby ignores him and sits down beside him. “Any word on that asshole?”

“Nothing, he’s in hiding,” I say through clenched teeth, this should have never gotten this far.

Coby shakes his head. “After killing Tina and shooting your mom he ran like the fucking coward he is.”

I don’t need reminding of what he’s done, I know everything, I found out things about him that I’ve not told anyone, sickening things that make me sick to my stomach. “We need to find him.”

“You’re going to have to tell me everything about him, I’ll need to know all of his deepest darkest secrets.” Coby says and I raise my brow in question. “You’re telling me that you haven’t delved into him since this shit has happened?” I glare at him and the fucker smiles. “Yeah, that’s what I thought. Now, what did you find out?”

“Martin prefers brunettes, the younger they are the better.” I inform them.

Dad’s eyes narrow. “How young exactly?”

“In the past six weeks, I’ve had twelve men come to me, these men aren’t mine, they’re not even in our circle. They know me, they know what I do and they knew Martin was my man. They told me that Martin had sex with their daughters and when the parents found out he told them that they’d have me to deal with.” I say with disgust, each one of those men had the courage to face me, to explain what that fucker did to their daughters.

“How old were they?” Dad bites out.

“They range in age from thirteen to sixteen.”

Dad jumps to his feet, “That animal has been raping these young girls and putting the fear into their parents.” He shakes his head. “Everything about him makes me sick.”

“We all know there’s something wrong with the man, but from everything I’ve heard, it seems as though he wants revenge.” Coby says and I smile as he glares at dad, Coby doesn’t give a shit, he says whatever he wants and doesn’t care about the consequences. “Harrison, you abandoned him, you favored Hudson over him and he wants revenge for that.”

Dad sits back down again, he’s resigned, he knows what Coby is saying is true. “Okay, what is he going to do next?”

“I believe that he’s not finished, he tried to kill Marline and he failed, so he could try again. I’d up security on both Marline and Mia, if he wants revenge, that’s where I’d start. I think his end game will be killing everyone Harrison loves, including Hudson. He may even kill you Harrison.”

“That’s not going to happen.” I vow, “It’s why I’ve asked for your help. I need to find that fucker before he hurts anyone else.”

“Son…” Dad begins, “this isn’t your fault.”

“Yes, Dad, it is. I should have seen who he was. I shouldn’t have let him get that close to me.”

Dad’s eyes shutter close. “If it’s anyone’s fault, it’s mine.”

“You should have told me who Martin was, if you had I would have never let him climb the ranks. Saying that, I’m the boss, I should have seen who he was. We’ve all let him get close and that has been to our detriment. Now it’s time to end him.”

Coby smiles, “That’s what I’m here for. I never did like that jackass. Now, I have a friend who may be able to help us. There’s a network for people like Martin that like young girls or boys. My friend is undercover and has managed to infiltrate that network. I’m going to reach out and see if he knows Martin, it could help us find him if he does.”