Page 36 of Forever Love

“Always remember that we are with you. We love you.” Both mom and dad say in unison.

I hear sniffing and turn to see Sarah crying too. I didn’t think that Hudson could get any sweeter than he was, but this, this is more than I could have ever imagined.

“Princess,” he says and I try my hardest to pull it together, the tears are falling thick and fast, I’m trying to make my breathing even but it’s no use, I’m sobbing and there doesn’t seem to be any let up. “Fuck.”

“Told you, they’d cry,” Jagger says, as Hudson pulls me into his arms,

“By the way, where’s the food?” Jagger shouts.

“Jagger!” Sarah yells, “Don’t be so selfish.”

I laugh, those two are so loud but yet so beautiful together. I’m glad they’ve gotten back on track.

“That’s what I like to hear, I didn’t intend to make you cry,” Hudson whispers in my ear.

“They were happy tears. I’ve always wanted to hear my father’s voice one last time and you gave that to me. It was the best present I could ever have. Not only that, you gave me my mom’s laughter, you gave me her happiness.”

“You have to thank my father. He and your mom had a conversation, and she recorded a message for you afterward, dad said she was practicing what to say to you. I think that having her last words to you was fitting.” He kisses my head, “I have it saved onto a flash drive, if you want it, we can transfer it to your phone.”

“I want,” I whisper, more than anything.

“First thing tomorrow morning I’ll do it. Tonight, I have more important things to do.” His hands slide across my stomach, his dick hard against my ass. “I need to take care of my wife.”

I bite back a moan, “I like that.”

“What? When I call you my wife?” I nod, resting my head against his shoulder. “My wife.”

“My husband,” I whisper back, loving how the word rolls off my tongue. “Mine.” I breathe as he kisses my neck, right beneath my ear.

“Yo Hudson, do you think we can be fed?” Jagger shouts, interrupting us.

“I should have put a bullet in him.” He murmurs as I get off his lap and sit back down in my chair. He waves his hand and within seconds, the food is being brought to everyone.

I glance at Hudson and blow him a kiss as he winks at me, this right here is going to be one of the best memories I’ll ever have. So much love and support under one roof and they’re here for me and my husband.



The files transfer from my computer to Mia’s cell. As soon as we arrived back from the hotel this morning she asked me to copy them to her phone. She’s currently sleeping, recovering from yesterday and last night. There’s something very different about having her as my wife, something she felt last night, when I kept her awake most of the night. No matter how many times I had her, I needed her again, I couldn’t get enough. Not only that, she couldn’t get enough of me. I’d love nothing more than to go to bed and lie beside her but I can’t. I have a meeting with Coby. He’s late, that’s just put me into a bad mood.

“Son?” Dad says knocking on my office door.

“Yeah?” I murmur distractedly as I finish off transferring the files.

“Where the hell is Coby?” He demands coming to sit down in front of me.

“Since when did I become his minder? I have no idea, he was due here ten minutes ago and he’s not here. I’m giving him five more minutes before I lose my damn temper.”

He chuckles, “You’re in a good mood today.”

I glare at him. “Is there a reason as to why you’re here?”

The fucker chuckles yet again, “Yes, I wanted to know what Coby’s going to do to help.” I narrow my eyes at him and he holds his hands up. “Look son, Mia is my daughter now, she’s carrying my grandchild. When you’re gone I’ll be the one to be here protecting her.”

I shake my head. “You’re a damn fool. Who else is going to be here w

ith her when I’m gone? Since Mia and I got together, you’ve seemed to mellow. I actually can stand to be around you.”