Page 44 of Forever Love

“We’ll see, now we just have to wait until my men find her.”

She tilts her head and stares at me. “What if he has her?”

“We’re going to find her, don’t worry.” I reassure her but I’m not so fucking sure, the shit that Martin has done in the past has me on edge.

“I know you will.” She yawns, and I realize just how tired she is, her eyelids heavy, I’m taking most of her weight. “Sorry,” she says sheepishly.

I lift her into my arms. “Don’t apologize, my boy’s taking it out of you. You overdid it today.” She rests her head on my shoulder. “Want to have a bath or go straight to bed?”

“Bed,” she whispers, her lips grazing my skin at my neck.

I walk to the bedroom with her in my arms, she’s fast asleep before I even place her on the bed. I take her clothes off so that she’ll be comfortable while she’s sleeping. Once I have her all stripped down, I pull the covers over her. She immediately curls up into them, her hair spread over the pillow. She looks at peace, something that I know she hasn’t felt in a long time. I stand here and stare at her, God, she’s gorgeous, I’m one lucky sonofabitch. I don’t know what I’ve done to deserve her, but I’m holding on with both hands.

Now this shit with my mom, I still can’t fucking comprehend how the hell this happened? Dad’s fucking pissed, his ex-wife sleeping with his son. It’s a messed up situation and he’s wondering just how long it had been going on for. I want to know if it’s still going on. The sooner my men find her the better, I’m an impatient man and I hate waiting. The front door opens and I know that it’s Dad, he left to give Mia and I space, he told me I’d fucked up and needed to fix it. He has a soft spot for Mia, it’s why I leave him with her if I need to go out. He’ll protect her with his life.

I walk out of the bedroom and meet dad in the

sitting room, his jaw’s clenched and I brace myself to see what’s to come. “The boys have your mom.”

I tilt my head to the side as I study him, his lips thinned, his arms hanging down by his sides and his fists are clenched. “And?”

He shakes his head. “Prepare yourself son, that bitch has taken everyone for a fucking fool.”

Red hot anger hits me. “Dad!”

He waves me off. “Son, she was with him.” Anger pouring off every inch of him. “She has no injuries, she was pissed when we arrived.”

I swallow harshly. “She was with him willingly?” I don’t even recognize my own voice right now. For the first time in my life, I’m fucking shocked.

He nods, his eyes narrowing. “She didn’t want to leave him.”

“They have him?”

Dad laughs. “No, that weasel ran as soon as the men rolled up.”

I look to the floor, I’m mad as hell, Dad was right, she has been helping him. I’m angry that she’s the reason my wife has been in so much fucking pain. She’s the reason why my dad lost the love of his life.

“Son,” Dad chokes and I glance at him, his eyes glassy. “There’s something that doesn’t make sense. When Tina was shot, so was your mom, why would she go back to him when he shot her?”

I have no fucking idea. “I’m going to find out. Who’s watching her?”

He takes a seat. “Aaron, David, and Rory. I’ve got Mia, go find out what the fuck is going on.”

I should grab my keys and go, but I hesitate, there’s something in my gut that’s telling me not to leave.

Dad must sense my hesitance. “Son, I’ve got her, there’s no way I’d let anything happen to her. She’s safe with me.”

“I know that. You’re one of the very few that I trust to keep her safe. My gut’s screaming.” I admit feeling like an asshole leaving her but right now, I have to find out this shit.

“Your gut is never wrong.” He tells me as he takes out his cell. “Get three of your men here.” His cell buzzes. “Coby’s still in town, he’ll be here in ten.”

Relief washes through me, at least she’ll be protected if anything does happen. “Thanks. Call Jagger, get his ass here too.” I pull out my cell and text Dylan, Roland, and Cormac. Those men have shown their loyalty and I somewhat trust them. I tell them they have fifteen minutes to get here. I don’t give a fuck what they’re doing, they’ll drop everything or I’ll drop them.

“Jagger’s on his way, he’ll be here in a few minutes,” Dad tells me, “Are you going to wake Mia and let her know that you’re leaving?”

“Yeah, Dylan, Roland, and Cormac should be here within fifteen minutes. Once they’re here I’m leaving. I’m going to find out what the fuck is going on and then get back here.” I’m hoping this shit will be over within an hour.

“Son, we have her covered. Find out this shit and we can end it.”