Page 45 of Forever Love

I turn on my heel and walk out of the sitting room and into our bedroom. Mia’s sitting up in bed, her gaze firmly on me. “They’ve found your mom.”

I nod. “The men are on their way, I want to make sure you’re safe while I’m gone.”

“Can I come with you?” she whispers.

I walk toward her. “No Mia, I need you to stay here.” I’m about to turn into a monster and she doesn’t need to see that shit, she doesn’t need to be in that situation. She’s safest here. I sit down on the bed beside her. “Dad’s here, Coby and Jagger are on their way.”

She glances away from me, she’s not happy at all. “Okay.”

“Mia, I need you safe and that’s you being here.”

She turns back to face me. “I know,” she confesses quietly, “I’m scared, Hudson, I can’t lose you.” Tears fall down her face.

Fuck, I pull her closer to me. “Princess, I’m going to be okay. I’m just going to have a conversation with my mom and then I’m coming home.”

She nods. “Be safe.”

“Always.” I kiss her lips. “Are you going back to sleep?”

She frowns. “No, I’m going to get dressed and sit with your dad.”

I hide my smile, she’s about to make my dad’s night. I know that when those two are together they talk about Tina. It’s her way of being close to her mom. I never thought my dad would be this involved in my life, but things have changed, he has changed. The way he treats my wife, he’s turned into a man I respect.

I wait with her while she gets dressed. “Mia, if anything happens tonight. I need you to go into my office and lock yourself in there.”

Her eyes widen but she nods immediately. “I will, I promise.”

“In the top drawer is a gun, there’s also a knife tapped under the desk.”

“Hudson,” she whispers, her entire body shaking.

“Mia, listen to me. If anything happens, go there, get a weapon and fight. This place is wired to the max. Something happens, I’m going to know about it. I’ll be here within minutes,” I promise her.

She walks over to me, her hands sliding around my waist. “Okay, but we’re going to be fine. You’re going to talk to your mom and you’re coming home,” she tells me mimicking my own words from earlier.

I kiss her nose. “That’s exactly it, Princess.”

There’s a knock at the door and dad yells, “I’ll get it.”

“They’re here. It’s time to go.” I take her hand, she interlocks her fingers with mine.

When we get to the sitting room, I see that everyone except Jagger is here. “Dylan, Cormac, Ronald, and Coby you are to be posted outside.” They instantly nod. “Once Jagger gets here, he will be posted inside of the house. Kill anyone who tries to come in.”

I kiss Mia once again and say goodbye, I need to get out of here before I change my damn mind and send dad to deal with mom. The men instantly follow me outside, as I slide into my car, they position themselves outside. Each one of them strapped and ready to go, Coby will take the lead, the man knows tactics and knows the best way to react. He’ll size up my men and instantly pinpoint their weaknesses along with their strengths and he’ll play on them.

Walking into my club, I ignore the shocked look of my bar staff. I’ve not been here in a while. It’s still not reopened yet. My staff are working hard to have it ready for reopening next week. We’re doing a big fucking relaunch, the place looks good. I have had it extended, the fire damage wasn’t as bad as it could have been but it did need a makeover. Pushing the door open that leads to the cellar, I hear Mom shouting. “Let me the fuck out of here.”

I walk down the stairs and see that David’s sitting down on the chair glaring at Mom. I’m guessing the reason David lost his wife is because of mom. I’m surprised that he’s not made her bleed. I’m not sure I’d have that much restraint if it were me in his position.

Mom sighs, “Finally. Hudson, what the hell is going on? Why am I here? Your goons haven’t said anything, they grabbed me and brought me here.”

“Where did they grab you from?” I say through clenched teeth. There’s no being nice now, she’s acting as though she’s done nothing wrong, we all know where she was taken from.

Her eyes widen. “What?” she questions glancing around the room.

“I said, where did my men take you from?”

She straightens her spine. “You already know, what I want to know is why they took me in the first place.” She raises her brow at me as though I should answer her questions.