Page 30 of Hot Wolves

I nearly jumped right out of my skin as a nearby car honked.

Landon jerked on the handlebars and we took a terrifying lean towards the ground. We were so close to it that my hair brushed against the asphalt.

By some miracle, Landon managed to get us back to an upright position but he lost most of his boot heel in the process. The whole place smelled of burnt rubber and we left tire skids in our wake.

“You’re going to get us killed!” My voice shook. I was so damned close to shitting my pants. I know I said that I trusted this guy but he was really pushing the envelope. All I wanted to do was get off that death machine. Part of me thought that maybe all this was one of my crazy fucked up dreams but I knew that it wasn’t. My heart’s erratic heartbeat was much too real. At this point, I feared it might explode right out of my chest.

Up ahead, Roman nearly crashed against a giant semi. He only managed to escape certain death by squeezing between two of them. I was holding my breath the entire time, praying that he wouldn’t get squished like a spider between the pages of a book.

“Thank Heavens…” I whispered, when he made it safely out of there.

To my horror, we were headed in the same direction. “What the hell are you doing?” I wailed, because as far as I was concerned, these guys had absolutely lost their minds. I had to get myself out of this mess before I found myself on the inside of a casket, looking like a chunk of roadkill.

We were shooting the gap, when I loosened my grip in hopes of reaching the phone I kept tucked away in my bra. It was the most convenient place to store the thing when my dress didn’t have pockets and I couldn’t be bothered to carry a purse.

“Don’t,” Landon’s hand tightened around mine, making it impossible for me to let go.

Not only was he shooting a gap but he was doing it one-handed. Oh, yes, this guy was definitely going to send me to an early grave. I no longer had any doubts on the matter.

“Watch out!” I screamed. There was a car right in front of us and at the speed we were going, we were sure to crash right into it.

I don’t know how he managed to do it because my eyes were squeezed shut but, somehow, we avoided a collision.

One of our followers wasn’t nearly as lucky.


Debris flew in every direction.

A body slammed into the ground and skidded into the middle of the highway. Thankfully, no other cars were involved in the accident but whoever had flown off of that motorcycle was never getting back up again.

My stomach churned. In a way, I felt responsible for that death. All this was happening because I had agreed to go to that stupid night club with Homer. If I had just stayed home then that creepy guy wouldn’t have hit on me and none of this would have happened. But as much as I wanted to change the past, I couldn’t.

All we could do was keep on riding.

From the looks of it, there were only three guys still chasing after us and by the way Landon was driving, he was determined to get rid of them.

We got off on an exi

t and weaved through some unknown town. Red lights were blown. Pedestrians were narrowly avoided.

How in the hell we managed to get away with all this shit is beyond me but at some point, we ended up on the backroads. They were empty and it was just us against the goons that still chased us.

Roman doubled back and tried to create a diversion that would throw them off their game but instead of working, it backfired.

One of the members of the night club crew seemed to slash at his tires, with his… bare hands!

Roman went flying off his bike but, somehow, he managed to land on his feet. There was a killer smile on his face. “I guess this is where we tango.”

Landon came to a halt, the back tire nearly coming off the ground with the suddenness of it.

“I want you to stay here and if Roman and I seem to be losing, I want you to take this bike and get the hell out of here. Do you hear me? You can’t go back home. You’ll have to find someplace new.”


“Please.” He begged me with his eyes before joining his partner in crime. They stood back to back and as athletic as they were, there was no way they would beat the group of three. They looked like literal giants.

Call the police! I reminded myself as I fumbled for my cell phone, hands shaking.