Page 31 of Hot Wolves

I was about to dial 9-1-1, when something happened that made me do a double-take. All the men had been replaced with giant dire wolf sized creatures. Hell, a dire wolf would be nothing more than a pup compared to these beasts. Even Landon and Roman had been replaced by them.

“What the fuck…?” Was all I could manage to say.

I couldn’t even grasp my mind around what had just happened, before they were at each others’ throats. The fastest wolf of them all had a sleek black coat that reminded me of Roman’s hair.

He always said he was a wolf… my subconscious reminded me.

No. This can’t be happening. Werewolves don’t really exist… I tried to convince myself but the battle unwinding right before my eyes was not something I could so easily ignore.

The biggest wolf lunged towards Roman. Unable to avoid the attack, he ended up being thrown into a nearby tree. The trunk of it rattled and snapped right in half, falling with a great big, BOOM! I could see the claw marks on his side and the way the blood was pouring, matting up all of his fur into one big mess.

Two other wolves advanced, ready to deliver the killing blow but I couldn’t let that happen. “No!” I screamed and ran forward.

I wasn’t thinking. In fact, my mind had gone blank with the pure craziness of this whole thing. But there was one thing I knew — I needed to get to Roman and I needed to make sure that he was alright.

Suddenly, a dark brown wolf with a mask of white around his face came between me and the other three. His upper lip curled upwards in a snarl. His eyes were a deep amber color. Landon.

He barked his warning at the advancing enemy and it seemed enough of a threat to make them hesitate for just a moment. They looked at each other before pouncing all at once. I flinched, thinking for sure that Landon had been unable to avoid the attack but when I looked up, he was no longer where he once was.

A whimper caused my head to jerk towards the left. The smallest wolf was running, tail between its legs.

I blinked and then there was only one wolf remaining.

Frightened, I backed up until I was standing beside Roman. I wanted to help him but I was, really, too scared to move.

Then, Landon emerged from the shadows and stalked forward, advancing on the last remaining wolf. They went at it, standing on their hind legs. They were so ferocious, in the way that they moved, that it sounded like I was right in the middle of a thunderstorm.

I couldn’t tell who was winning.

Suddenly, Landon had the night club goon by the neck. His teeth were digging into the werewolf’s neck and I was sure I was about to see him kill someone.

I turned away, unable to watch.


I dared to open my eyes and saw the wolf crumbled into a pile at Landon’s feet. He was breathing hard and there was blood pouring from his neck.

Landon barked something that sounded like a threat. When that wasn’t enough, a violent snarl reverberated through the back of his throat.

That seemed to get the message across because the enemy wolf eventually scuttled away. They had all left their motorcycles behind.

I was slow to turn back around.

The guys were still in their wolf forms. Deep down, I knew that I should probably run, far, far away from them but for some reason, I stayed because I couldn’t walk away.

I didn’t know how and I didn’t know why but these two made me happy.

Besides, I needed some answers.

It’s not every day you come across a couple of random werewolves.

Chapter 12: Roman

Landon had always impressed me with his fighting abilities but this was something else entirely. He had moved with a quickness that shouldn’t have been possible.

“Have you been holding out on me all these years?” I asked.

“No…” He sounded a bit dazed. “I don’t quite know what came over me but I think it had something to do with my need to protect both you and Jane.”