“Sophia Cole?” I hear my name behind me. Turning, I see a tall, blond, muscled God.
“Yes...Do I know you?” I asked the stranger, positive I did not know him.
“No, not yet, at least. I’m Randy Thomas; Lettie gave me your number. I was going to call, but then I saw you here tonight, so I thought I would introduce myself.”
“Oh, okay, Lettie mentioned you to me this morning. I was expecting your call,” I replied, aware of Rowen coming up to stand at my back.
Randy looked over my shoulder with a questioning look. “Is this a bad time, Sophia? If so, I can wait for your break or call?”
“Yeah, I’m working, but you can call me tomorrow. My break isn’t for a while.” Rowen was standing so close I could feel his body vibrating with anger.
“I’ll do that. See you soon, Sophia,” Randy replied before walking back to his table of friends.
Rowen latched on to my arm before I could walk away. “Oh, no, you don’t; we need to have a little talk,” he growled. “Charlotte, Sophia is taking a break; cover her.”
“Rowen, you cannot just drag me off the floor. What is wrong with you?” I hissed, trying not to make a scene.
He pulled me into the supply closet, locking the door and spinning me around, my back against the door. “Why would you allow another man to call Sophia when you love me?” Rowan snarled against my ear, his body pushing into me.
“You have a lot of nerve. Tell me, Rowen, did you love me when you let Jen go down on you?” I demanded, pushing back against him to release me.
“I fucked up, and I own that shit and will make it up to you the rest of our life together. But, if you think I will ever let another man have you, I suggest you think again, Sophia.”
“Well, guess what, Rowen? You have no say in my life. You lost that chance when you threw me away like a piece of garbage.”
“And I have been punished for that, Sophia. I was dead inside without you. I wasn’t living just existing every day without you was torture on my soul. There was never a day when I didn’t think about you, want you, love you, need you, and I have died over and over again every single day without you.”
“How do you think I felt? I didn’t even know what I did to deserve how you treated me. I don’t want to fight with you, Rowen; yes, I love you, but I am still trying to figure out how to move forward and forget the hurt you caused me, and it isn’t as easy as flipping a switch.”
Rowen curled his arm around my back, bringing me into a hug. “I get that, Sophia, but give us a chance and don’t try and bring another man into the mix, let us figure things out first. I love you so much, and I refuse to give you up,” he rasped, holding my head to his chest, stroking my hair while he rocked me, something he knows I like and comforts me.
Inhaling a deep breath, I pushed against his chest, looking up at him. “I will agree not to see anyone while I’m getting settled, but I can’t promise you anything, Rowen.”
“That's all I ask, Sophia; just give me a chance,” he said, releasing me and backing away. “I better let you get back on the floor before Viking fires me.”
We walked back to the floor together, Rowen taking his position against the wall. I agreed not to see anyone, but really I didn’t have time, and I didn’t want to put any man in Rowen’s path; he meant what he said. Why do I still have to love the big jerk? It doesn‘t matter what the answer is because it changes nothing, Rowen has my heart, and he isn‘t giving it back.
I’M NOT LETTINGher go. I will kill any man that tries to get between us.I’ve never been bloodthirsty like some of my brothers in the club, sometimes getting sick at what I’ve witnessed. But, the thought of another man touching Sophia makes me burn with rage. I would have King have a talk with Lettie; she needs to back off and mind her own business.
I did a sweep of the dance floor with my eyes and stopped when I saw a couple pretty much fucking against the wall. I moved toward the couple, realizing it was Claudia and dear old Randy. I looked over my shoulder to make sure Sophia noticed, and she did, quickly averting her eyes and going toward the bar. Randy ruined his shot with Sophia, not that I would have allowed him one. But this way, I don’t look like the bad guy.
I reached the couple just as Claudia was getting ready to take his dick out, not a care in the world that she was in the middle of a dance club surrounded by people. Randy seemed out of it. “You both need to leave the club, so grab your shit and hit the door,” I said.
Claudia straightened, showing her tits that spilled out of her top, licking her lips. “Oh, dear, Randy got carried away and couldn’t wait to have me. We were so into each other forgetting where we were,” Claudia said using what sounded like a little girl's voice. Randy was leaning on the wall, his eyes blank. Was he on something?
I rolled my eyes. “Not my problem, nor do I give a shit, just hit the door. The Unlimited doesn’t allow public sex.”
Claudia gave me a sour look. “You’re just jealous it wasn’t you’re cock my mouth was going down on, but you won’t admit it, so you’re kicking me out,” she sneered.
“No, that’s not the fucking reason. You have pushed your luck, and now you’re officially banned. I don’t run that kind of club, get out, and for fucks sake, cover yourself and have some dignity,” Viking’s icy voice came from behind me.
“Who the fuck needs this lame club anyway? You can all go to hell,” Claudie screeched, pivoting and walking toward the exit.
Randy fell to the floor, and Viking leaned down, looking into his eyes. “He was drugged. Did he come with someone?” Viking asked.
“Yeah, I think so.” Before I could find the men I saw him with earlier, one of them showed up with Sophia behind him. She must have alerted him to what was going on with Randy.
“What’s going on?” The friend asked, concern on his face.