Page 15 of Lord

“Your friend here was drugged. I think he will be okay, but you may want to take him to the hospital to get checked out,” Viking informed the man. I heard Sophia give a little gasp before turning to go back to work.

“Seriously? Shit, we thought he left with that chick that he left to dance with earlier. Let me grab my friend, and we will take him to get checked out. Randy will be pissed about this tomorrow; he doesn’t do drugs.”

After the man walked away, Viking looked at me, saying, “Something isn’t right with that bitch. I will bring it up tomorrow at Church to see if Vampire knows anything. Claudie has it bad for you, Lord, and in a crazy as fuck kind of way.”

“Yeah, I’m starting to see that. But I don’t have a good feeling about it. Kickstand can probably help with information on Claudie,” I replied, not saying anymore as two men came and helped Randy out of the club.

“We’ll talk more tomorrow, Lord,” Viking said, walking back toward his office.

I resumed my place, leaning on the wall, my eyes finding Sophia. I had plans for tomorrow. I wasn’t exactly sure how I would pull them off, but I would figure it out tonight after I got out of here; the music was too fucking loud to think. I wanted us in our new home as soon as possible.


I JUST RETURNEDRowena to Sophia in their room.I had gotten in the habit of giving Rowena her breakfast, plus it gave Sophia time since she doesn’t get to sleep until late. I had Church this morning at ten, so I walked into the room and took a seat. A file landed on the table in front of me. “That is everything I could find on Marcus Humphry,” Kickstand said, sitting beside me. “Seems to be fairly clean. Nothing but a few parking tickets works for a contracting firm in Pittsburgh, but I did find a fiancé; the guy is a serial cheater on several dating sites. It’s all in there for you to go over.”

“Thanks, brother. I have another person I want to be checked out, Claudia Simmons; I will give you more info after we’re done here,” I said as the others started filing into the room. Shadow is not the first one here for once.

“I finally beat you to the table, Shadow,” Fuse smirked, a baby in his arms, bottle in front of him on the table.

“Don’t get used to it. I had to move some furniture around this morning; if I had waited, Mary would have tried to do it herself even if I told her not to, and I couldn’t chance it,” Shadow grumbled, his overprotective nature on display. “You brought your baby?”

“Yep, Shay was up most of the night, so I figured I could bring Preston with me and give her a break.”

“Fine, whatever, I’m sure I will be doing the same once my baby makes an appearance. Still, odd as fuck seeing you settled down,” Shadow mused before moving on to business. “Kickstand, do you have the monthly numbers?”

“Yeah, everything looks good. Ann is doing a heck of a job investing our money. Between that, the weapon runs, and our legit businesses, the club is banking some cash, not to mention our personal accounts,” Kickstand informed us while handing out a spreadsheet that would be destroyed after this meeting. “I do have some bad news,” Kickstand began, “Someone has been trying to break through our security firewalls since early this morning, and they are good. It’s been a battle keeping them out.”

That got our attention. “What the fuck? How do you find out who?” Shadow growled as his body straightened to attention in his chair.

“I’m trying, but like I said, they’re good. So I’ve put extra walls up and a false gateway, and I am monitoring it constantly until the threat is eliminated.”

“So, if they break through, they can fuck with our security systems?” Vampire asked, a worried frown on his face.

“Yes, I have set up different gateways for each branch of club business; so far, they are only trying to access the security.” But, even as Kickstand explained this to us, he had his laptop opened and watched.

“I suggest we start patrolling the grounds like the old days until this threat is gone,” Viking said.

“I agree. We have women and children staying here. We can’t risk whoever is doing this, breaching our security and getting inside,” I voiced my opinion, worried about Sophia and Rowena.

“I was thinking the same thing. So I will set up a schedule; we will all have to take shifts to cover the day and night. I have a bad feeling about this. So be extra alert on the run today, and I will email a schedule to every club member by afternoon. Anything else?” Shadow wanted to know.

“Yeah, Vampire, what do you know about Claudia Simmons?” Viking asked.

“She was a stripper at the club, quit a week or so ago, no notice. Why?”

“Because the bitch has been coming into The Unlimited, more or less naked fixated on Lord causing problems, last night we suspect she drugged a guy, trying to have sex on the dance floor. So I kicked her out and banned Claudia,” Viking informed the room.

“You sleep with Claudia and then dump her?” Vampire directed the question at me, clearly thinking I broke his club rule of no sex with the strippers.

“I never touched Claudia, shit, I barely talked to her unless it was work-related. But, lately, she is everywhere I am, even showed up at the park the other day insinuating to Sophia that we had something going.”

“Look at Marcus’s Facebook friend list; Claudia Simmons name is there. So they knew each other, Lord,” Kickstand said.

“I don’t believe in coincidence, and my gut says they had something to do with that video that was sent to me.”

“What video?” Stonewall asked.

“Long story, but it’s why I broke things off with Sophia, but the video was fake,” I answered, still angry at myself.