“What’s going on? You still got your dicks don’t you? What real man turns down good head?” Player scoffed, rolling his eyes.
Player was starting to piss me off. “This man. You should know by now that I don’t have anything to do with club women. Not to offend, but I am a little choosier about what I stick my dick into,” I said, smirking, I watched Player’s brown eyes widen when the insult hits its mark.
“What the fuck is that supposed to mean? You trying to say our girls aren’t clean?” Player was pissed, recognizing the insult. His muscled body stiffened, ready for a fight.
“Come on, you two. Can we just let it go? Vampire doesn’t mess with club girls, and I’m not in the mood for it, so calm the fuck down before you two start a fight,” Stonewall said, trying to diffuse the situation.
“I’m gonna let it go, but it doesn’t mean I like what you said and will forget it. In fact, I think I’ll show you what you’re missing,” Player said, getting up to go over where the club girl sat, who immediately went to her knees to show off her ‘skills’ for anybody who cared to watch.
Turning my back to them, I lit a cigarette, letting it calm me. “What the fuck were you thinking trying to antagonize Player in their clubhouse?” Stonewall whispered furiously.
“These immature fucks piss me off. They think a real man lives his life by his dick?”
“I’m not saying he was right, but keep that shit to yourself while we’re here,” Stonewall snapped. And I suppose he was right—their clubhouse, not mine.
I spent the rest of the wait talking with Jonesy, their charters Sergeant at Arms, and a few other members. I was glad when Shadow finally finished and we could get on the road. Shadow wasted no time. He hated being away from Mary, so that meant he didn’t linger.
I was anxious to find out where Nicolette went on her days off from the club. She was secretive about it and never told anyone why Friday and Saturday nights were off-limits for her to work. It looks like we will get back earlier than I thought. Maybe I can follow her tonight instead of waiting. Yeah, I think that sounds good—change of plans.
I SPENT MOSTof the day sleeping; I was still exhausted. I dreamed of Vampire last night. Things I had no place dreaming of, dirty things. I woke up sweaty and wet between my legs, a restless feeling that I didn’t know how to sate. With what I’m running from, I cannot get involved with anyone, least of all someone as intense as Vampire. I may have to leave on a moment’s notice, or worse, they may catch me, take me back, and force me to marry Carson or someone just as bad.
I shuddered at the thought.
Carson was a horrible man. I let my mind go back to the last time I saw him. I had just turned eighteen, and my father announced to me that I was to marry Carson Jameson. I was stunned. I knew my parents had sheltered me and not allowed me to date, but I had no idea I was promised to someone, let alone Carson; he was ten years older than me, and I didn’t even know him very well had met him at events but that wall all. In my young, naïve mind, I thought I could go to Carson and explain to him that I didn’t want to marry him, and he would understand. I will never forget what happened that night.
It was late. I had snuck out of the house, calling an Uber to pick me up at the gate that led to our home. Once I got to Carson’s house, I snuck in the back, finding an open door. I didn’t want anyone to see me in case they would report back to my father. I was praying Carson would be the good-natured man he always seemed to be when I did see him. After I slipped inside, I searched for Carson when I heard crying and an angry voice coming from behind a cracked door. I carefully peeked inside, trying not to be seen.
I bit back a gasp, my stomach dropping.
There in the room were Carson and a woman. She was down on the floor sobbing. “Get the fuck up, you stupid bitch,” Carson snarled at the woman, kicking her.
“Please, Carson, stop; it won’t happen again. I promise,” The woman begged.
Carson unbuckled his pants, lowering his zipper. “Get up here slut, and suck my cock like the whore you are.” Carson grabbed the woman by the hair, pulling her to her knees and shoving her head into his crotch.
The woman continued to sob. Carson pulled her head back and slapped her hard across the face. “I said take out my cock and suck it whore, now!” He shook the poor woman’s head so hard I thought he would break her neck.
I had seen enough. I needed to get out of here. There was no way in hell I was marrying Carson. Just as I was about to turn and leave, someone grabbed me from behind. “What have we here?” It was one of Carson’s men. Hearing the man outside the door, Carson came to see what was happening.
He looked at me in surprise. “What are you doing here, Nikki?” And then looked back into the room, realizing I had seen everything and sighed. “I guess it’s better you know beforehand. That way, you’re prepared for what to expect when we marry.”
“I will not marry you. I’m going to tell father what I saw here tonight, and he will call off the engagement,” I said with more confidence than I was feeling.
Carson laughed out loud. “You’re so naïve, Nikki. Your father knows I like to beat women. He likes it rough too. So, tell your father; he won’t give a shit. Once you belong to me, I will take pleasure in teaching you your place.” And he drew back his hand as if to hit me, causing me to flinch, then just patted my face. “I would love to smack you around a bit right now, but I have the lovely Cassandra waiting to suck my cock. So go home, little girl.” Dismissing me and going back into the room.
The man kept a hold of me, pretty much throwing me out the door. I called an Uber, but I didn’t go home. I left my phone in Carson’s driveway and took the Uber to my Nanna’s house. She would understand, and she did. Nanna gave me enough money to get far away from Carson. It wasn’t much, but I would forever be grateful to her. That was three and a half years ago; I roamed around until landing here about four months ago. I like it here, and I hope to stay. Shaking myself out of my thoughts, I realized I needed to get ready. I need to be at Dominate Candy by five.
I made my way into the bathroom to get ready for work, knowing the activity at Dominate Candy tonight would bring back all those dirty thoughts I had about Vampire. But, of course, it didn’t matter; I couldn’t talk to the man, let alone let him do dirty things to me. I was a hopeless cause.
I WATCHED ASNicolette came out of her apartment building.She walked over to that yellow piece of shit she drove. Once she was mine, I would get her a reliable car. She was dressed in a sexy white dress; where in the fuck was she going dressed like that? I threw my cigarette down and started my bike, preparing to follow her. Nicolette pulled out, and I kept a reasonable distance behind, not wanting her to notice me. She was heading for the next town over, and the thing was, I was familiar with this route. It had been a while since I took it, and when she pulled into the parking lot of the unmarked building, I knew exactly where we were.
Dominate Candy, a sex club.
What in the hell was my little butterfly doing here? This was the last place on earth I expected her to end up. And it pissed me off. I watch as she gets out of her car, reaching back in and getting out a black case, an instrument. What am I missing here? I wait for her to get close to the door before taking off my cut and putting it in my saddlebag. I had a membership here so getting in the door wasn’t a problem.
I waited while the door was opened for her, and she was ushered inside. I waited a minute before knocking on the door. The door opened. “Hey Stefan, long time no see,” Blake said, letting me inside.