Page 6 of Vampire

“It has been a while; anything new to explore?” I asked. Curious why Nicolette brought an instrument in here.

“They added a ballroom scene, complete with a live orchestra. The room opens in about fifteen minutes. It’s open to whoever wants to play if you’re interested,” Blake said. Blake also played here at the club. He was dominant, and I had seen in him the section of the club I used to play in. But, I had gotten bored with the whole scene. The last time I was here, I couldn’t even get hard. It all seemed so fake. I wanted a natural submissive, not someone playing a part.

“I think I may do that. I want to observe first to make sure it’s for me,” I said, realizing Nicolette must play in the orchestra. I felt relief she wasn’t here for the sexual side of the club.

“Cool man, it’s door twelve,” Blake said as another man came up. “It’s my break time, and I’m heading that way; I will show you.”

I followed Blake down the maze of halls and past the bar area, where people were gathered in various forms of undress and costumes. The bar had a limit of three acholic drinks for safety. We entered door twelve, and I heard the music start from inside. I followed Blake inside. I pushed back against the wall and pretended to observe, but I looked for one person. Looking toward the stage where she was playing the violin, her inner beauty shone through as she played, her body alive with the music.

I heard a sigh beside me. Blake had not left but was leaning against the wall with his eyes trained on my butterfly as she played. There was sex all around us, and his eyes were only for her.

Hell fucking no.

Now I know why he was headed this way. Being dominant, he recognized Nicolette’s natural submissive tendencies and was on the prowl for what I already considered mine. I returned my attention to Nicolette; her eyes closed, lost in the music. She was professionally trained; that was obvious—another piece of the puzzle I needed to solve. I needed to find out Blake’s intentions. I was about to ask him about Nicolette when a hand snaked around my waist.

“Stefan, baby, where have you been? I have looked for you, craved you,” Katherine, a tall, leggy brunette said, pushing into me. She was a Sub I used when I was coming here. But she got real boring quickly. And I didn’t like her touching me.

I removed her hands, pushing her back. “I’ve been busy. I’m not here to play,” I said, making my voice hard. I wasn’t interested and didn’t want her to think I was; she was pushy—a wannabe submissive who didn’t really understand what it meant. Besides, she blocked my view of the only woman I wanted, so she needed to move.

Katherine made a pouty face. So fucking irritating. Why women thought men like that bullshit, I will never understand. “Okay, Stefan, but I am always available.”

“You won’t be needed. I have someone; I’m taken.” I moved to the side so I could watch Nicolette. Ignoring Katherine’s gasp of surprise, not even looking at her as she walked away. I could be a lady’s man when I wanted; they flocked to me. But since I found Nicolette, I was done with all that.

Fuck, Blake must have left while I dealt with Katherine. I would corner him soon. I watched my butterfly play, her eyes closed against the sex in the room. Watching her play was soothing to the dark part of me that never rested. I would have her play for me, naked, eyes on me while I stroked my cock to the music she played. That image alone had me hard. I needed to get out of here before I went up and jerked her off the stage so we could act out that fantasy. Plus, I didn’t want Nicolette to know I was here, and the longer I stood there, the greater chance she would notice me.

“What time does this room close?” I asked the man at the door as I went out.

“Ten o’clock.”

“Thanks, man.” I made for the exit. I would wait outside for her. I needed a cigarette anyway. I looked for Blake and didn’t see him as I made my way out. I would find him. We needed to talk.


I PACKED MYviolin back into its case and walked toward the exit. Blake was waiting on me by the door. “Here, Nikki, I will put your violin behind the desk, and we can grab it when we’re done,” Blake said, taking my violin without waiting on my answer. I really didn’t like leaving it unattended. It was expensive. I saved for over a year to buy it. Seeing my uncertainty. “I promise it will be fine, trust me, little one.”

Little one?That was new and odd since it sounded intimate.

Taking my hand, he led us outside, where we started walking around the corner to the club. “I’m glad you agreed to have a drink with me tonight, Nikki,” Blake said, squeezing my hand.

“You may change your mind after spending time with me. I’m kind of a mouse, at least that’s what Terri tells me,” I said, giving a small laugh. Blake smiled and squeezed my hand but didn’t say anything until we reached the bar.

Arriving at the bar, we searched for a table and ordered drinks. “So, why does Terri call you a mouse?” Blake wanted to know, his eyes searching mine.

“Because I’m quiet, not very outgoing, introverted, and afraid to stand up for myself at times. Basically, I’m boring,” I said, a little embarrassed to say that out loud, my face turning pink.

“Those things don’t make you boring, Nikki. On the contrary, I find I like you very much just the way you are,” Blake said, leaning forward to look me in my eyes. “So tell me, Nikki, have you ever thought about what happens in Dominate Candy?”

“I think I know what happens in the club. Why?” This was so embarrassing. Why did he want to talk about it?

“It’s about more than sex, Nikki. They have playrooms where two people can let themselves be who they were meant to be without judgment. I want to show you what I mean; maybe tomorrow night I can do that.” I was shocked and not sure how to answer. Before I could answer, my phone started going off. I looked at the number.

Vampire? Why would he call me? I had his number on my phone because he was my boss at the club, but I had never used it.

“Hello,” I answered hesitantly.

“Hello, Nicolette. I need to talk to you, so tell Blake you have to go. And I will meet you by your car.”

“Umm, right now?” Why would Vampire need to see me right now? Though the thought of seeing him made my heart speed up. And how did he know I was with Blake. And how did he know where my car was parked.