"No one warned me there was a girl in the house. Why should I bring clothes to the washroom in an all-male house?"

"Because no one wants to see your huge cock," Maximus complained.

"Right. You're giving Jewel unrealistic expectations," Zane nodded.

Kage leaned in to whisper to Zane.

"Ya, Brother's cock is larger than both of ours. I think we're screwed since Jewel must have got a glimpse."

I blushed at his quiet words and the others groaned.

"Well, we don't have a chance now," Maximus groaned.

"Guess Jewel better dump Logan now," Nixon suggested.

"She's not dumping me. My cock is perfectly average," Logan confessed, his cheeks burning red.

"Average like male average or average like Braxton average?" Kage asked.

"Braxton is NOT anywhere NEAR average!" Zane stressed.

"Can I finish my food before we talk cock length?" I asked. They paused, looking as if they had completely forgotten I was there — they all started to blush.

They all gave their assent and I giggled before taking a slurp of my soup.

"By the way. My length is just a little smaller than Braxton's," I purred, using my thumb and index finger to show how slight the difference was.

"UGH!" The guys all groaned and I laughed.

"Good one,"Alice giggled in my mind.

I observed them as I continued to eat.

I realized I actually felt confident in Brother's words.

I just need to have more faith in people.


"Aparty? Are you guys all going?" I asked curiously, filling the last cup with strawberry milkshake before putting the blender in the sink to wash.

I opened the tap and filled it to the top before I turned and looked over at the guys chilling in the kitchen.

I'd spent all of Wednesday and Thursday learning the ropes around campus as Jinn, while spending the late afternoon and evenings as Jewel with the guys.

We'd figured out our classes and I was glad that I was with at least one of the guys in each class.

Casting Magic for Advanced Mages was with Logan and Nixon, Familiar Studies was with Kage and Braxton, Physical Studies, or what I called 'gym,' was with Maximus and Zane, and Superior Studies of Magic and Intense Spell Casting was with Nixon and Braxton.

The last class was ranked the hardest to get into and we'd been assigned to it because of our test results.

I could tell Logan wasn't pleased by that, but he didn't bring up the issue.

He actually seemed quite calm since Braxton would be joining us, lessening the threat he thought was present when I was alone with Nixon.

Brighten was doing something different this year with their classes.

Instead of the standard four classes throughout the day that were two hours each, they decided each day would have two four hour classes with a break in between them.