Magic classes were sometimes shorter depending on the activity of the class.

We'd have five weeks of classes.

The sixth week would be midterms with a week off for us to go back home or relax.

After that would be another four weeks of powering through before finals week and end of the first semester.

We were allowed to participate in two clubs, but I hadn't decided which ones I wanted to be in yet. I was pretty good at every sport but Brighten being as high class and well-known as it was, didn't have 'normal' sports.

Everything was enhanced with magic, making everything more adventurous and, at times, dangerous.

I, personally, was thinking of delaying participating in any clubs till next semester, which Braxton suggested was smarter because nearly half of the people dropped out or failed, making the clubs a lot less full and more enjoyable than the drama and fights that came along with overpopulated groups.

Today was Friday and it was already mid-afternoon.

We'd spent the morning working out upstairs in the training room. I had to admit, it was nice to work out without needing to shift to Jinn to do so.

The guys insisted I stay in my female form, which I felt was for the added benefit of seeing me in short-shorts and a tank top while conducting high caliber spells that left me drenched, and not in a pleasurable way.

At the halfway point, I did switch over to my male form, wanting to get used to being in the form for longer periods in preparation for the coming weeks of school.

Now that we were having an afternoon snack, strawberry milkshakes, I didn't see any reason to still be Jinn so I was back to my female form, finishing up the milkshakes for the guys because none of them knew how to make them.

"Apparently. It’s tonight at the house at the end of Spellbound. It's an elite party for only those on this block and their girlfriends," Braxton explained, walking into the room as he was putting his shirt back on.

"Or boyfriends," Kage pointed out.

"Ya right. They're really hard asses about that kind of thing," Maximus pointed out.

"About being gay? It's an all-boy school. Not everyone likes pussy. No offense Jewel," Zane apologized and I smiled.

"None taken, but I agree. What's the big deal about being gay? Aren't there a few lesbians at the all-girl school?" I asked out of curiosity .

I was straight, but being a guy really opened up my perspective and made me even more curious how someone who likes guys could survive an all-boy school when 80% of the population were hot enough to be a model.

Even if someone didn't have the looks, personality was a huge thing to me. So, as long as you weren't a douche, I'd be interested in giving it a shot. I just got lucky with Logan who was the whole package of looks and personality.

"They’re just not very accepting here. Could just be that the school values more old school ways. They're only getting high tech with laptops, computers, and phones, but magic is centered on ancient philosophy so the school applies that to their social attitudes too. It's not against the rules to be gay, but if you get bullied for it, no one is going to defend you," Braxton explained, coming to help me distribute the milkshakes to everyone.

We all moved to the living room and sat in our usual spots.

Maximus and Braxton claimed the two-seater sofa to my left, Zane and Kage were relaxing on the two-seater on the right and I was sitting on the three-seater sofa, right in the middle with Nixon relaxing on my right and Logan on my left.

To avoid more arguing, that was the seating plan the guys created with a good game of Rock-Paper-Scissors.

Don't get why anyone would give the chance up with a Rock-Paper-Scissors game, but hey, I was just the lone female wanting a place to sit down and to avoid being in the middle of a war.

"Bullying still goes on here?" I asked, trying to hide the hint of anger that flickered inside me.

"Bullying happens everywhere. Doesn't matter if it's at a high ranked school like Brighten or on social media online. It sucks and is really pathetic. But it happens, sadly, more than anyone would want it to," Maximus replied.

He looked a little upset by the topic but I decided not to push further.

"So this party? Are we going?" I wondered.

"Do you want to go?" Logan asked.

I drank a bit of my milkshake, while debating.