"Wow," Maxi and Nixon said together.
I exchanged looks with Logan while Zane and Kage shrugged.
"Figures,” they said in unison, looking unsurprised by the fact their brother had gotten a perfect score.
"Anyways, Jinn, Logan, and Nixon. You three will be in the largest room," Ms. Landsford announced.
"All three of us?" Logan asked through clenched teeth.
"Yes. Again, the place was renovated so it doesn't have enough rooms to split you three up,” she explained.
"If there was enough space, what was the partnering supposed to be?" Nixon asked innocently.
I bit my bottom lip, knowing Nixon wanted to figure out who would have been my dorm buddy if the layout of the house had been different. I looked into our assigned room as Ms. Landsford answered.
"You and Jinn would have been partnered up by default. Your magic levels are almost on the same wavelength. However, Jinn has the same level of power as Braxton. Maybe a little higher even,” she admitted.
"Interesting," Nixon remarked, his satisfaction with her revelation apparent in his voice.
I didn't hear Logan reply while the others continued talking.
"Shit. Jinn is stronger than Brax!" Zane exclaimed.
"I guess I'm not surprised. He did do that crazy triple triangle thing and figured it out in less than three minutes," Maximus replied.
"He also saved us when we couldn't keep hold of the bubble," Kage reminded.
"And you can't forget he held up Logan's share last minute," Nixon announced with a smirk.
I sighed, not wanting to hear another argument.
My gaze landed on a red metallic bunk bed.
I walked into the room, putting my stuff on the desk. I tugged at my tie, loosening it and putting it on the desk chair before unbuttoning my collar and top two buttons. I climbed up the ladder and got comfortable in the bed, throwing the blanket over me.
Finally, a bed.
"Hoot." I heard Alice in the hallway, followed by her fluttering wings.
A little click sound made me peek my left eye open.
I turned my head slightly to see Alice resting on the rail.
"Aren't you supposed to change before you sleep?”she reminded.
I groaned quietly and closed my eyes shut, not caring at this point. Even if I got sick, I couldn't care less.
My exhaustion outweighed my decision-making skills.
"Where did Jinn go?" Kage called out.
"I think he's asleep," Zane replied.
I heard footsteps but ignored them, my consciousness already beginning to drift in and out.
"He's tired. Let him sleep," Logan instructed.
I didn't like the hardness in his voice, making me want to get back up and have a talk with him. I didn't want him thinking he was weak or incapable of fighting alongside me, and I could tell what happened during the test weighed on him.